Mic position for clean guitars?


Aug 29, 2006
Austin, TX
I've been recording a lot of clean guitars for my band's upcoming full length, and it's really the first time I've miced a cab for recorded clean tones. I've been doing a lot of experimenting, moving the mic and going purely by what I'm hearing in the headphones, and was surprised to find when looking with a flashlight that the sweet spot for me seems to be halfway between the outer speaker edge and the edge of the dustcap. I'm also further away from the grill...roughly 4 inches. I've only experimented with a single SM57 so far..don't want to throw another mic into the equation yet as it's pretty new territory for me.

Was curious as to what other people are doing when micing clean guitars?
I always leave my 57 in normal position and then added something else. Once you back off a little the positioning horizontal position relative to the speaker becomes less critical.
I usually like clean guitars without much attack, and I like using condenser mics on this application, mostly because they are richer in capturing of the tones (SM57 is ok for this, noting spectacular though). So I set the mic anywhere from 10 to 40 or even 50 inches, not on centre on the cone. If you can, try adding a room mic, like behind the cab or something, or anywhere in the room - experiment.