Mic-pre buying advice needed... B12A, GAP73, or WA12????


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Hey guys, so despite being a complete outboard gear n00b, I've been spending the last several days reading over many threads and websites regarding different mic-pre's and their many different characteristics, but I'm having trouble now deciding which one to actually go with.

I have them narrowed down to 3:

1) BLACK LION AUDIO B12A PREAMP (based on the API 312A) $320

2) Golden Age Pre 73 MKII (based on the Neve 1073) $350

3) Warm Audio WA12 (based on the API 312) $450

Any suggestions? The WA12 is so new that it doesn't really have many reviews or sample clips, but supposedly everyone that has one so far is raving about it, and it is made here in the USA from quality parts. I'm leaning towards this one, but if you guys can give me good reason or sway me to go for one of the others, like I said, I'm considering any of these 3 at this point.

I honestly don't know the huge difference between the Neve sound vs. API sound either... not sure which is better for high-gain guitars. I'd be using this mic pre for mic'd high gain guitars, bass, and vocals, but may eventually use it on drums if that gives you some context.

Thanks for any help in helping me decide. :confused:
I think any of those will be a good choice. I personally prefer neve style on guitars and vocals 99% of the time. I really like the way a 1073 style pre rounds off the transients and gives a big lush sound to it. Api is more tight and in your face(still awesome just different). I would get the GAP first........... then get the api style next lol

BLA has a 1073 style pre coming out too(if it's not out yet)
I think any will be a great choice. I have a stock Pre-73 and it hangs right in there with a UA610 in terms of usability and tone quality. It is good for electric guitars, it tends to tighten up the tone but make it thicker all at once. On vocals, it can be just a touch sibilant and lacking in depth in comparison to the 610 - but really apples and oranges of course.

The api clones will give you a more hard and clean type sound, whereas the 73 will be a touch more distant and smoother with a hint of neve-ish mojo.
Thanks for the input everyone. I appreciate your suggestions. I just purchased both the GAP73 and the WA12 ... Since the place I ordered them from has a 30 day return policy, I'm just going to do an A/B comparison and just keep the one I like the most and send back the other. :)