Mic pre shootout \m/


Aug 2, 2007
Mic pres for guitar. I did a test today with API, Neve, LA610, ISA828 and Saffire Pro 24. Make sure to download the Wav files in the youtube description and line them up on separate tracks so you can quickly flick between them.
What I find interesting here is that while all of the standalone preamps do their own thing (the API is big, punchy and muscular, the Neve is big, smooth and rich, the ISA is smooth and clear), they all seem to have more definition and clarity than the interface preamps. The track recorded with the interface preamps seems to have the proverbial veil/blanket over it in comparison.
The Neve sounds really good - the smooth top and somewhat tighter lows are real pleasing. The API seems bright, in opposite of the Saffire which misses some clarity. Does the LA-610 have a small bumb in the low mids?
Thanks for listening and commenting.
I am normally drawn to the API or Neve.
It depends on amp and cab I'm using.
A brighter amp like the EVH 5150 sounds smoother with the Neve but API sounds great with the 6505 or Rectifier.
I usually test both and pick whichever fits best. The ISA is also great so I try that if the Neve or API are too coloured.
I rarely use the 610 for heavy guitar but use it a lot if I'm recording a crunchy or clean guitar. Sound great with my studio's Vox amp.
The 610 is brilliant for bass and I always run the B7K into the 610.