michael pinnella's cd


Nov 23, 2003
Southern California
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What do you guys think of his first solo cd, "Enter By The Twelfth Gate" ?

I just bought it yesterday and I think it's amazing. The composition is beautiful in his songs. If there's anything that I wanted to see better was longer songs! But his cd rules and I am loving the atmospheres he creates.

Cross The Bridge has some kinda S-X keyboard melody, but it sounds awesome!
I found it really amazing too. I think that some longer songs would've added more emotion to the album. The style is kinda different comparing it to his work in Symphony X, but it is really great.
Enter by the 12th gate = castlevania music.

I am thouroughly satisfied by this CD, but as far as keyboard albums go, nothing beats Vitalij Kuprij's solo work.
iishrak said:
Enter by the 12th gate = castlevania music.

I am thouroughly satisfied by this CD, but as far as keyboard albums go, nothing beats Vitalij Kuprij's solo work.

I found Warmen's Beyond Abilities very satisfying as well as Vitalij Kuprij's solo album. But Enter by the 12th gate is a great album too.
Thanatos_X said:
I found Warmen's Beyond Abilities very satisfying as well as Vitalij Kuprij's solo album. But Enter by the 12th gate is a great album too.

Just to make sure i'm being clear, I love Pinella's solo CD.
This is probably my favorite disc so far this year. To hear Pinella like that is somthing that happens not often enough. I listened to it for 2 weeks straight after I got it, it puts me in a good mood whenever i listen.
it creqtes a feeling that is hard to reproduce with any other album, its freakin incredible...and that scriabin etude is MONTROUSLY difficult.
iishrak said:
Enter by the 12th gate = castlevania music.

I am thouroughly satisfied by this CD, but as far as keyboard albums go, nothing beats Vitalij Kuprij's solo work.
My opinion is that the album is rather good. Not good enough to beat any SymX album.... but that's only my opinion.
Anyway iishrak... One thing I am sure of is that everything beats Vitalij Kuprij's solo work. :)