Michael Vescera-A Sign Of Things To Come


Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
One of my Top 10 CDs of the year so far! Mike has sung for the likes of Yngwie and Loudness in the past and I love him for it and for what those albums were to me then(and still to this day), but his latest solo disc is AMAZING! 10/10, easily. He's also one of my Top 5 fave vocalists EVER, and I've been of this opinion since the early 90s. There's traces of Yngwie, Loudness, and Rob Rock all over this album, and high above it all soars Michael's powerful angelic vocals! Hail!:worship:rock::kickass: MV for PPUSA XI or even the PPUSA X Showcase! All you melodic neoclassical power metallers out there are sure to love this CD once you feast your ears upon it!:cool:
Michael Vescera also recorded an album as the vocalist of Dr. Sin (Brazil). Awesome performance, the guy is a monster!! I really wanna find this disc now!
How the hell do you not mention OBSESSION? Few other hired gun CD's too but Obsession is "the" big one.

Anyways yea his new solo disc is freakin killer. "Let your loooooove shine onnnnnnnn". Helps that he has Jimbo on guitars!
Was disappointed when the second Obsession cd was sold out at PPIX. No Killer Elite for me :cry:

Anyway, I did pick the MV cd and was suitably impressed.

How the hell do you not mention OBSESSION? Few other hired gun CD's too but Obsession is "the" big one.

Anyways yea his new solo disc is freakin killer. "Let your loooooove shine onnnnnnnn". Helps that he has Jimbo on guitars!
How the hell do you not mention OBSESSION? Few other hired gun CD's too but Obsession is "the" big one.

Anyways yea his new solo disc is freakin killer. "Let your loooooove shine onnnnnnnn". Helps that he has Jimbo on guitars!
I will have to look into Obsession ASAP. Thanks! I love his new positive spiritual lyrical direction. Has he become a Christian?