Mick vs. Mike


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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I have given this a lot of thought, and i think that Mick from Slipknot and Michael Romeo's guitar styles have a lot in common. They both shread like no other, except Mick does it in that "i don't need to play my instrument to be good" type of shreadding, where as Michael Romeo does it in that "I actually take time to learn stuff" way. Let's discuss this in YET ANOTHER GODDAMN VS. THREAD!

Oh yes, feel the sarcasm.
Taliwakker said:
I think that MR should wear the mask off the album covers if he really wants to compete with the Slipknot guy.....otherwise it is too hard to compare them.
no no no....if they started to wear masks, then the Crimson Glory fans would crawl out of the woodwork and claim how they have stolen "their" image and idea. :p

Mick can shred pretty well, but in no way on the same level as Mike. Pretty good, but a bit sloppy, and has a tendency to rehash a bunch of clichéd Malmsteen licks.

As for Slipknot's music, though... :err:
I remember when those BC Rich Warlocks were all the rage. Now they look nothing but comical. Maybe Romeo should switch to BC Rich so he could look cool enough to broaden his fan base to more angst-ridden adolescents.
i don't know what the hell you are talking about. I love BC Rich. Sure they don't sound nearly as good as other stuff, but they look fucking badass and metal. just because slipknot uses them doesn't mean shit. BC Rich = metal.
theodyssey said:
i don't know what the hell you are talking about. I love BC Rich. Sure they don't sound nearly as good as other stuff, but they look fucking badass and metal. just because slipknot uses them doesn't mean shit. BC Rich = metal.

no man you have it wrong. This is the most metal guitar ever...behold:


Now see if SymX wanna compete with Slipknot Romeo needs to start shredding on one of these things...
Yngvai X said:
no man you have it wrong. This is the most metal guitar ever...behold:


Now see if SymX wanna compete with Slipknot Romeo needs to start shredding on one of these things...

I'd get on stage with that in NO time. It's hilarious!
The Fred Durst video is just hilarious, man.

I don't have much to contribute here, as I've never heard Mick's solos. I will say that I think the looks of BC Rich guitars are way over the top and I never thought they looked cool.
sorry..hope I don't make anyone mad..... there is nothing...I mean NOTHING in common with these two, except that they both play the guitar!