

Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Who are you and what do you do?

I’m micr.d.t and I do everything. It’s a solo project although there’s a lot of samples originally played by people I’ve never met, so I suppose it’s a band of total strangers, most of whom don’t even know they’re in it. They’re the ones who should get the credit – and they would if only I knew who they were.

Where's the band from?

an egg.

Who're your major influences?

there are many – I listen to a lot of music and I suppose it all influences me one way or another – everything that I’ve ever been touched by infuses the music that I create – totally unavoidable. But I couldn’t possibly answer the question without a nod to sonic youth, aphex twin, merzbow and anything that involves steve albini in some capacity.

What's your local scene like?

Totally dead. Nothing ever happens here – that’s probably why I spend so much time warping strange sounds from my pc and listening to stuff that other selected freaks from all over the world thought other people would like to hear

Sounds like fun, but coming from an egg you shouldn’t be surprised there’s no local scene.. So, how can people hear your music?

It’s quite limited at the moment – I only did 50 copies of the first demo and they’ve nearly all gone. But I have plans for the near future to put lots of downloadable files on the micr.d.t website – but its just a coming soon type page at the moment and not worth looking at.

What's your best gig memory?

Well, I’ve not actually played live yet, but my best premonition is of playing to a room full of people dressed as leatherface. That would inspire me to pull off some crazy shit.

So your shit isn’t crazy already? What would be you worst?

I think my shit can be pretty crazy at times, but when I play live, I want to improvise as much as possible – a lot of my best stuff comes from improvisation these days but it would be nice to take it all even further at a gig so that people would hear different stuff to that that they hear on vinyl.

As far as my worst gig memory goes (again, only a premonition at this stage); playing to a room full of people dressed as gusher jizmak from gwar

Would you describe your sound as Hot or Cold?

that’s meaningless and you know it.

This is true, we just chuck it in to see what people say :eek:P Anywho, what are you plans for the future?

to get the next cd sorted, first and foremost. I’ve done a lot of stuff since the last one, and I think it’s a million times better. It’s nice when you get really positive feedback, but ultimately you’re always thinking “wait til you hear the next one…”

And when will we be hearing the next one?

hopefully very soon. I hope to get it sorted in the new year and send some out to the people who took an interest in the first one, and release the rest myself. The only problem with this is, as always, distribution.

What song of yours should people listen to before any other?

depends – all of my tracks are different, so it depends on the person in question, but then again – it must be gishst because I made it the first track on my first demo.

Good reasoning.. If a label said they'd sign you for a 10 album, multi-million £ deal, providing you got rid of one of your members (you can choose!), would you do it?

I’ve only got one member and I wouldn’t part with it at any price.

Good call! What's your favourite album of all time, and why?

Sonic Youth’s “Daydream Nation” because I love great songs and strange sounds – not many people can combine both effectively – I certainly can’t – I think I make pretty good sound sculptures but I don’t think you could call them songs.

What was the main reason you became a musician?

I’d got a lot of shit to get out of my system and there was no other way.

So writing music is a form of catharsis to you (just like for many listening is)?

Music in general is the best form of catharsis that there is. I would say personally that that is the principal reason for both listening and creating music.

How would you like to be remembered?

as a guy who did what he wanted to do, not what others wanted from him.

Well, your answers certainly seem to be proving that ;o) What's the first word that comes to mind when you see the word MANOWAR!


What one location in the world would you love to play a gig at?

the Penrith tearooms

Why exactly would that be?

To liven all the stiffs up a bit, of course

What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which are shit?

I’m really sorry, but I don’t read any of them, except for Terrorizer. Terrorizer is good because the music that they cover is really interesting – they don’t confine themselves to metal – they cover stuff that is extreme but not metal at all. I think that it is unhealthy to snub something which doesn’t fit in to your chosen genre, and even to have a chosen genre at all – there’s a whole world of amazing music out there – its there to be explored and everyone should explore it without fear of what’s “cool” and what isn’t. When I hear the word cool in that context I feel like throttling someone.

If only everyone agreed. Tell us 3 good reasons why people should listen to you?

There’s only one reason to listen to anything – it could be really, really good. You might be missing something. But if you can’t be bothered…..

Any message for your fans and the UM masses?

If I have fans: “Thankyou – I’d do it anyway, but it makes it more satisfying if I can make people feel how great music always makes me feel” The UM masses: “If you’ve never seen or heard any Bill Hicks – go get some. Even if you ultimately regret it.”

You can contact micr.d.t by emailing vixtadot@aol.com.