mics, pres vs. converters: which are more important?

beyond dead

heavy metal dad \m/
Sep 26, 2007
peterborough, ontario, canada
today while pondering the difference in sound between sub $1000 interfaces, I started thinking that the difference is probably so minute.

I am currently working on a comparison between my trusty firepod, and newly acquired profire 2626 to prove this theory. I`ll probably post it tomorrow.

then i was reminded of a something the owner of a local music store was telling me the other day.

he was saying that mics/ pres make a bigger difference in achieving a good sounding recording. his reasoning was that some excellent recordings came out of the 80`s and 90`s when a/d, d/a was nowhere as good as todays cheapest converters.

But the one thing that they did have back then were good mics and pre`s.

This is useful info for home recording studios like mine. I have been beginning to think it doesnt really matter which interface you use. the mics and pres are going to make the biggest difference.

dont lose sleep over which interface you are using, just purchase an interface that has the features that you need.

any thoughts or arguments on the subject?
The rule of thumb I always adhere to is the further along the signal chain it is, the less it matters! Thus, Source > Mic(s) > Preamp > A/D IMO!
Well it's not only a factor of coloration, but also of representing all frequencies evenly; since preamps are amplifying the original sound by ridiculous factors, there's definitely potential for coloration even at low volumes with cheap ones.

One other thing to consider, though, is the D/A conversion at the other end - converters may not make all that much difference when they're digitizing a solo instrument, but when they're converting a full mix back to analog, the quality can definitely make a difference noticeable even to the most n00bish of n00bs! (e.g. Jhakwe commented on his girlfriend being able to notice the difference in sound between his Firepod and Profire 2626 :D)
I, too, just got a ProFire, but to me the difference in sound is VERY apparent, although not real drastic.

I had a friend come over and do some vocals and routed them through each interface. The Profire was noticeably clearer, fuller, had more "air" as well as more dynamics without the harsh high mids that the Firepod had. The Firepod also had boxy lower mids in comparison to the ProFire. As for whether it was the difference in pres, converters, etc. I can't say. But one interface to the next, it was a difference.
hmm... well to be fair, I had been tracking drums and reamping for a few hours before i hooked up the profire.

I`ll judge for myself tomorrow when im done my little shoot out.

I would certainly like to think there is a difference in sound.
Incredible difference when I switched from a low end converter to a Lavry AD10, same for mics and mic pres.
This does not mean you can't do good sounding records with low end gear, the more important is the sound at the source (musician + gear used + how it is dialed...), but high end gear will make things easier to mix with amazing dynamics and color/realness most of the time.
makes sense. pres dont make a world of diff. either in my opinion. I usually track with very low gain on the pre anyways, so there isnt really any coloration going on...

erm i stongly disgree with this method.

Stronger Signal Makes are very very big difference in the fullness and body to the sound. Particularly in Kick drum, and snare.

If your using a low pre amp volume for overheads i your Noise floor, spill, and room sound will be much more apparent in your Mix.

Guitars seem to sound very thin at lower Volumes and any dynamic range is squashed.

I dunno, but would never do this
The rule of thumb I always adhere to is the further along the signal chain it is, the less it matters! Thus, Source > Mic(s) > Preamp > A/D IMO!


If your pre is shit, he might shape/colour the frequencies is an unpleasant way or add noise and the conversion is the icing of the cake, but if you've got a crappy mic and or source/performance, you're more or less doomed to begin with.
erm i stongly disgree with this method.

Stronger Signal Makes are very very big difference in the fullness and body to the sound. Particularly in Kick drum, and snare.

If your using a low pre amp volume for overheads i your Noise floor, spill, and room sound will be much more apparent in your Mix.

Guitars seem to sound very thin at lower Volumes and any dynamic range is squashed.

I dunno, but would never do this

I agree about noise, but I dont think that there would be more room noise if the pre gain is down. (the amp is fuckin cranked, 57 almost an inch from the grille) I`ve never noticed this, and I have compared tracks recorded at different pre gains. with the pres on the fp, noise isnt that much of a problem. especially with a distorted signal like guitars. My vtb has
more noise than the fp pres. personally, I think my guitars sound pretty bitchin!

I also dont see how dynamic range is squashed with lower pre volume??? there isnt any compression gong on?

I`m going to the studio to finish the comparison. hopefully i`ll have it posted this aft.
Incredible difference when I switched from a low end converter to a Lavry AD10, same for mics and mic pres.
This does not mean you can't do good sounding records with low end gear, the more important is the sound at the source (musician + gear used + how it is dialed...), but high end gear will make things easier to mix with amazing dynamics and color/realness most of the time.

I've been thinking of getting the Lavry Black for sometime now. What other observations did make besides better stereo imaging and clarity? I'm currently using a MOTU Ultralite. Would the upgrade be viable?
The rule of thumb I always adhere to is the further along the signal chain it is, the less it matters! Thus, Source > Mic(s) > Preamp > A/D IMO!


I had a rosetta 200 for years (running on the spdif of my 002), and while it was a pretty good improvement over the 002 ADDA, it didn't compare to the change I got when I traded it in for a couple of 512c's......