Middle Lane Morons - Uk

But what if you're a middle laner who's forced to pass idiots in both the left and right lanes at the same time?

How about traffic flow: if you stay in the middle lane when "cruising" on the highway, that will keep the right lane open at the entrance ramps, so new traffic can flow at the speed limit onto the highway, and be unubstructed by people travelling in the right lane. Plus, this will reduce lane shifts at interchanges.

I think further analysis is necessary before judgement is passed on middle laners.
yeah, it's possible metalmancpa is not being funny and is being totally grim and necro. in which case: :zombie:
My reply was absolutely positively serious, as I have spent years upon years analyzing traffic flow whilst travelling to and from work.

I have mentally stored information in analyzing traffic flow. From car type, to full description of the drivers physical appearance, to what the driver is doing, to brand of tire, etc. All this information is vital in the study of traffic. You must know your highway, and all its ebbs and flows. The intricucies in travelling 70+ MPH, all the while attempting to safely go from point A to point B in a decent time.

And while performing this detailed study, I try very hard not to turn into an aggressive driver, and run over all the pricks sprinkled throughout the highway system I travel every day.
i stand corrected.

when i read the sentence "I think further analysis is necessary before judgement is passed on middle laners" from your other post, i was rolling. no offense. :erk: