Midget Donkeys whining like a little girl

Jan 11, 2007
All right folks I have no one else to whine to and it is about time I complain into the great void that is the internet. This pretty long.

I have a a herniated disk, two bulging disks, and degenerative disk disease in my lower back. This was caused by about ten years of hard physical training and a few years of vigorously playing G.I. Joe.

About 6 years ago I started having lower back pain. I was half way through a deployment decreed by fuhrer Bush. I was not in a place or situation to get medical attention. So I just bit my lip and ignored it until it went away.

When I was discharged in Colorado uncle Sam did everything in his power not to give me a physical examination despite my protests. Then comes my big mistake. I said screw it and ignored the fact that I felt about 90 years old. I went to the VA when I did see a doctor, also big mistake.

I then continued demanding physical training in my free time. It was the only way I knew how to live. The back pain would be absent most of the time. It would last for 2-3 weeks during which I would take it easy and then feel semi-normal again. The pain always returned in four to six months.

This lasted six years. My body was telling me to take it easy and ignored it. Three months ago my body decided to start being more demanding in its request.

I have been in various levels of pain, from sever discomfort to blinding nonstop madness for over three months now. It destroyed my sleep. It has destroyed my body. I have lost 20 lbs. I might be going mad too.

Now it is starting to effect the nerves to bowels. It feels like I need to poop every time I walk now even though I in fact don't need to. It is making walking extremely difficult.

Most days I can only play guitar for short periods before I need to lay down again.

Going to work and sitting at a desk exhausts me like running a marathon.

I have been on all sorts of drugs that have kind of worked. Next week I start having steroids injected next to my spine. Hopefully this will make me feel better.

End of whining.
Jeff I don't need an injury to smoke weed. :)I spend more on that than most people spend on feeding their children.

It does help too, but I can only do it in the evening after work. My wife and I were raised in Michigan the midwest medical weed mecca. So when we go home to visit we can try what is available. Let me tell you some of that stuff will completely remove your brain from your body. Not only do you not hurt but you can't even feel your toes anymore.

Mr. Viking do you speak from experience? Have you in fact had epidermal injections in the past?
This is such a load of horseshit to me. I can't believe that we're willing to pay to send troops to every corner of the earth but can't take care of the ones at home.

Have you tried smoking weed?

this is pure signature quote material...

but seriously i was in a similar situation only much less severe.
back back is pretty much ok until someday it will probably bite me in the ass...

the army likes he's soldiers to do as he says but not really pay for useless crap like medical treatment or food...
irony is i was a combat medic ;)

sometimes you've just gotta live with the fact that you've been fucked.
I've had issues with my lower back for the past three years (along with my left knee) so I know that feel bro. Probably not as bad as what you describe but still no fun. Hope you find some relief somehow.
Not me, my singer

Every other or 3rd week for almost the last 4 years for the exact same reasons

Is that even safe? I have read that normally only three shots per year are given. This guy must be feeling like pure ass.

And thank the rest of you guys for the encouragement.
If you're open to these kind of things, you might consider Tai Chi Chuan / Qi Gong in complement to anything else, when practiced to a good to high level, the body is in way better health. It can only benefit to anyone. You would have both physical and healthy exercice (and more mental control), and it also increases life expectancy if done well for a long time.
Welcome to the club...

Most probably you know all this already but i will say it anyway:

A.R.T + Inversion Table + Training for muscle balance.

99% of back pain is caused by muscle imbalances - imagine suspending a block of wood on 3 rubber stripes (1 on one side and 2 on the other side), it's normal that the block will hang lower on the side held up just by one stripe... and if you imagine a perfectly level mesh of nerve under that unevenly hanging block, it is natural that the block hanging like that will pinch the nerve and cause MEGAPAIN.

So you have to either stretch the 2 stripes or add another 1 stripe on the side with just 1 to have it balanced perfectly.

Same with muscles - hang upside down to stretch everything nicely, then do additional stretching for the side you usually have too tense, then in the gym concentrate on free weight exercises for posture stability (preferably no machines).

You have to believe that you CAN make it better.

No hope is the worst thing in this situation.
Oh and one more important thing.

Believe it or not but your bed makes a huge difference, you should use as thin mattress as possible.
Welcome to the club...

Most probably you know all this already but i will say it anyway:

A.R.T + Inversion Table + Training for muscle balance.

99% of back pain is caused by muscle imbalances
etc etc

Yeah it works
watch this

eve Paul had to do it

Another option, like my mom did, is to have ozone injections on your back, for her it worked really well, sometimes she couldn't even move before doing it. but some doctors don't think is working for real other think is great, mixed opinions!
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Is that even safe? I have read that normally only three shots per year are given. This guy must be feeling like pure ass.

No its not exactly safe but his options are limited. Generally after getting the shot he's pretty mobile for a couple weeks. After about the 3rd week it goes downhill pretty quick and he has to start using a cane when he walks sometimes. He usually deals with that but that's also the point where he is no longer able to sleep. Couple days of that and, well, desperation is a stinky cologne

He did finally manage to start a new type of physical therapy that seems to help and its reduced the amount of shots he gets significantly. No ancient chinese secret, just a more focused & targeted therapy towards building his body to sustain itself with the problem.

Not gonna lie, some other "recreational" measures have been "suggested" by his doctors and have at the very least, helped with his pain management but mostly to enable him to get through his physical therapy

My best suggestion for you, as corny as it may sound, is start doing yoga. I mean seriously, do it and take it serious ... if you're not already doing it. It won't fix the problem but the amount it negates the impact of everything else is really nothing short of amazing
Thanks for the advice guys. I start going to physical therapy tomorrow, so I will see what they have in store for me.

I actually have been planning to join a yogo class when I feel better. I have done it before and enjoyed it very much.

I don't know much about Tia-chia but I will try about anything.

I have been thinking about a inversion table too. I work with a guy that swears by them.

And feel really sorry for Skinny Vikings singer because that sounds like pure hell.