Midi Backing Tracks?


New Metal Member
Jun 11, 2010
Hi everyone, i hope this is not one of those questions that will get you flamed but i been searching for some COB backing tracks so i can play over it, i´ve used this forum search feature and could not get any thing related, i also tried to google it and nothing showed up.

If someone can point me out to some COB midi files i would be very grateful. I´m mostly after drums since it would be a pain to try to write it in a midi sequencer.

The track im currently playing is Angel´s Don´t Kill, im a keyboard player and it´s a really good track to play, if someone got midi track for drums it would rock!

Thanks in advance, big fan of COB like everyone else here i suppose.
Oh is that suppose to include drum tracks?
I thought that was something only for guitarists like Guitar/Bass tabs only.
I will give it a try, never used it before, maybe there´s drum track and you can actually export it to midi?

Holly crap i just noticed at the end of that topic there's a section for actual backing tracks!
a .rar per album! Damn that´s excellent work.

Thanks! with all this i have all i need!
Also i would like to confirm that the .gp4 files for Guitar Pro work as midi files and can be exported as midi files so you can run them in your DAW and route the tracks to you favourite vsts to make backings to your liking.

You guys made a excelent work with the tabs! thanks a lot!
I was going to say exactly what he said, but he said it first. GP for the win. Hell, sometimes I just use MIDI already mapped out and use it for recordings.
I was going to say exactly what he said, but he said it first. GP for the win. Hell, sometimes I just use MIDI already mapped out and use it for recordings.

Bumping old threads is retarded, and even more so when you have nothing to say. So blow it out your ass faggot and flush yourself down the toilet.