Midweek Mayhem - SOLD OUT


Aug 1, 2002
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Thanks to all of you guys for the support. Can't wait to see you all! :)

As promised, I'll announce the album Voyager is playing tomorrow. :P
Hey hey hey, easy there...

Try coordinating something with a bunch of Aussie nutjobs traveling for 51 hours straight between their homeland until here!!!

I still don't know what's going on aside from a photo they sent me this morning from their overnight stay at the lovely JFK airport in NYC.. Don't know what that could possibly mean ;)

1 - Awesome. That's what I picked, but I would have been pretty happy with almost any of them.

2 - I'd love to see the voting

3 - I hope whomever did the PP interview asks what the band would have chosen.

Steve in Philly