Mikael vs. the Sunday New York Times (as wielded by Harry Conklin)


Sep 7, 2001
This is a tough call, the Sunday New York Times is always large and heavy, as George Carlin has wisely brought to our attention. However, Harry Conklin is a bitch.(I don't know why I dislike Jag Panzer so very much) So I think that a few growls from Mikael followed by some poetic phrases could subdue the high pitched screeches and New York Times of Conklin. This battle goes to Mikael.
Originally posted by _Transparent_

its just i dont understand whats being said. what the fuck does it all mean?

there in lies the problem, people read it and say, "isn't that great:err: " I was just trying to make a funny matchup, I dislike the singing of Conklin, and if you see a copy of the sunday New York Times it weighs like 10 pounds. That is what is going on in this thread.