Mike DiSarro leaves PRYMARY


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
:erk:Huntington Beach, California-based progressive metallers PRYMARY have parted ways with vocalist "Mike Di Sarro. Drummer Chris Quirarte states, "Mike has been with the band since 2001 and has played a big part in everything that we have done. We worked through the end of last year and the beginning of this year on writing our new album and were all set to go. The music was recorded and we were shooting for a release date of later this year. However, creative differences began to set in (slowly at first). Over time the differences began to be more significant until we were left with no other recourse. There is no one to blame and I truly believe we just grew apart stylistically. Mike is a good friend and a fantastic vocalist. We will always cherish his contributions to the band."

Chris adds, "So now we are left with an album's worth of music recorded and no vocals. Which leads us to the next phase which is to find a new vocalist. We are determined to find the right person and continue on with what we have started. We will be holding auditions very soon. Interested parties in the Southern California area should send me an e-mail at prymary@prymary.com. We are really looking to go in a different direction in the vocal department so we are very open to different styles and ideas.

"Thanks to everyone who has supported us and I promise you that we will be back and stronger than ever. We are very excited about the new music we have written and feel we have continued to progress in style and composition."
I'm not that surprised. Prymary today is a bit different from where they started. They've lost member(s) along the way because of the changes. They started off as a more jazz based, freer form, progressive metal band, and then became a bit more standard with tighter sections. I think the first album is their best because its their most unique contribution to progressive metal. They allowed the songs to breathe and weren't afraid to just play their instruments. I felt like the second one was good; however, it was more familiar with other prog metal bands.

I'm interested in hearing their new direction...