Mike Tramp

In 1987 I was 24 into same stuff as now Ozzy , Sabbath, Maiden, AC/DC, Dio all that good stuff....... oh and playing Footy in Broken Hill ( Rugby League )
I was 11 and just getting into Maiden after discovering AC/DC and Van Halen the year before :headbang:.

Crazy Nights came out that year and I was thrilled to see KISS videos on TV again. First time since the Solid Gold Elder special in early '82. Ah, bliss...

Been meaning to ask you this for about two years, Troops - are Asylum and Animalize worth getting? Seeing as I'm a Crazy Nights devotee do you think I would like it?
I think so :) Like Crazy Nights, they have a very polished, glammy, commercial feel compared to the other Kiss albums. So if you like Crazy Nights you should like them, although they aren't as pop sounding as Crazy Nights.

I like Asylum better.... Every song Paul sings on Asylum is awesome except maybe I'm Alive but that has great guitar stuff in it. As far as Gene's songs go... like on Crazy Nights they do the job but he sounds like he has no interest in the band.

Animalize is good too... Heaven's On Fire is the classic everybody knows obviously, and all Paul's other songs on it rock also except Under The Gun which sucks... all flash and no melody. Gene's songs on that are possibly a little stronger than the ones on Asylum... Burn Bitch Burn kinda sucks but it does have that awesome line "I'm gonna put my log in your fireplace!" HAHA!

Like any other Kiss album, there is filler (thanks to Gene) so they aren't a perfect listen from start to finish, but there are definitely enough great songs on each one to make them worthwhile. Paul is definitely at his peak during that whole mid-late '80s era. No doubt about it. Almost every song he sings on Animalize/Asylum/Crazy Nights/Hot In The Shade are the most underrated Kiss songs ever in my opinion.
I love Animalize even though it's not their most consistent effort. Mark St John (very temporary lead guitarist) shreds all over the place whenever Paul or Gene stop to take a breath and the production is a shade glammier (is that even a word?) than Lick It Up. Paul's songs are all great, even Under The Gun, and although Gene was off filiming Runaway with Tom Selleck while most of the album was being recorded, he managed to contribute two classics- Burn Bitch Burn and Murder In High Heels.

Asylum is probably my favourite from the 80s sans makeup period. Production isn't as heavy as it could have been, but this one's full of great tracks with only a few fillers (I'm Alive, Love's A Deadly Weapon and Radar For Love). The theme of the album seems to be "believe in yourself and get a whole lot of woman while doing it", and the whole thing has a very positive, high spirited vibe. It's also Bruce Kulick's debut, so I don't see where you can go wrong :).

Troops, I've often thought that the 80s albums got progressively more 80s sounding as the decade wore on. That is until Hot In The Shade came along, which is more or less a series of cleaned-up 24 track demos. What do you reckon?

Radar For Love a filler?!?? That's one of the best songs on the album and one of Paul's best songs!!! Full of energy, great riffs, awesome melodies, Paul sounds great... even if it should be called "Radar For Led Zeppelin".

I agree... from Creatures to Crazy Nights the albums got more glammy/'80s as they went along until Hot In The Shade where, as Paul says on Hard N Heavy Volume 7, "It's like being on the road, you pick up all this extra baggage along the way then realise you don't need it, so we wanted to get rid of that stuff and just do a guitar rock & roll album again."
King of The Mountain has Zeppelin influences all over the place too, and blasts out of my speakers a lot more often than Radar For Love. Oh well, no accounting for taste :). Three out of four Gene songs on Asylum are great too. Love's A Deadly Weapon is the only one that doesn't fit the attitude of the album. They should have put Nobody's Perfect on there instead, but it never got past the demo stage.

Love's A Deadly Weapon sucks :( Anyway You Slice It has awesome attitude, great riffs! Trial By Fire is a little dodgy but kinda cool... Secretly Cruel rocks!

I love King Of The Mountain and Radar For Love.... GREAT songs!