Milwaukee Metalfest


May 9, 2002
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So I work at the cd store across the street from the infamous man who sets up Milwaukee Metalfest. First time I met him he asked me what bands he should go for (this guy doesn't look metal at all, and he's a total prick). So I made a list, I told him his best bets for turnout (considering how terrible the last 2 years were) were to get Nightwish, Sonata Arctica (I didn't know of the US tour at the time), or Children of Bodom. Now, I'm not really saying these bands are my favorite, just saying, they will draw a huge crowd no doubt. He blew off that idea... so I made a list of other bands... Skyfire was near the top, I figured it was worth a try. He pretty much tore apart every band on the list except skyfire. He asked about them, and I said they aren't the most popular, but definatly quality.

So I just figured I'd let you know, the name might be in his mind... now all you have to do is get fans to beg then ask him and all the US fans can see a show ;)

As for Jack, he also sets up NJ. He got Nightwish, Sonata, King Diamond and Behemoth. Milwaukee has... nobody. He mentioned one band on my list will probably headline, but I have reason to doubt this.
I think it was about a month ago on snakenet (my source of metal news) that these bands were confirmed. If you look at the tour dates for the king diamond and sonata tour, you should be able to figure it out.

Either way, Milwaukee gets shafted again.
thats awsome maybe you guys will get the chance to get to the US!! which would fuckin own. id make a copy of all my mp3s and give them to the guy and tell him to choose some from those bands on there. theres certainly plenty of bands that deserve a spot in the metalfests and Skyfire is definitly one of them. i think Kalmah is the other goddamn it! skyfire, kalmah, insomnium and cob for milwaukee metal fest!!!
we are thinking about gettign insomnium to play over hear with us.. but we fear they won't draw many people. They are really cool guys and don't ask for much to play.. it's the plane ticket that would kill us.
I e mailed Koshick and asked him if there would be a New Jersey Fest, he said no. I wouldn't expect any more good line ups coming from his fests.

If Skyfire were able to get on the New England Fest I would go. It would be nice if the New England fest would get other bands than just the ones on tour. If they continue just throwing evey band touring the US on the fest with no one off performances that fest will never be special.