mind blowing band - into_eternity

This band rocks. I'd go back in time, stick my fist in your mother's axewound and punch you in the face if you said one bad word about them.... :rolleyes: They are a really good band though, I really like them a lot, I've seen them 3 times live, pretty epic show... their new cd is pretty tight as well. I can see why some people might not like them though.
I just put in the new album and I'm sad to say a band I once thoroughly enjoyed is pretty lame now. Dead or Dreaming is still an awesome album, but I think the problem for me with this band is that their shtick just got old. Stu is starting to sound obnoxiously cheesy now, and even though he always sort of did, it was tolerable at first. Now they feel like one of those bands that plays fast and tricky just because they can, and the vocals are going way too far over the top now. Meh, better bands exist.
I'm thoroughly disappointed with the new one. It feels very uninspired and just isn't as cohesive as their previous releases. Stu has definitely reached his pinnacle of obnoxiousness here. The mixing gets me as well. Coming off A Scattering Of Ashes, how could they let this one sound so much shittier?