Mind Odyssey


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Mar 29, 2003
Has anyone checked out this great band!!!! I just came across their release called "Nailed To The Shade". It has Victor Smolski from Rage on guitar and is AWESOME!!! I have ordered the album "Schizophrenia" as well and hope it to be equally as good or better!!!!
Yes, they are a great band! I have at least four of their c.d's--my favorite is "Keep it all Turning" great album--also their first I beleive. If you can find that one---grab it!!!
Walter_Langkowski said:
Didn't this album come out like twenty years ago? Time for the Old School Forum, Q-ball!
Sorry "Mr. Iron Maiden T-Shirt", but isn't wearing an Iron Maiden shirt in a metal store a little hypocritical then?
Point missed.

Iron Maiden = Soooo 80's.

You know...as in: "You were calling Mind Odyssey old school, then what do you call Maiden?"

Get it?

P.S. Mind Odyssey ROCKS! One can always hope for a reunion. :D

P.P.S. 'NTTS' came out in 1998...six years ago. Time for some B vitamins big dawg...that short term memory is startin' to go.

MeTuLHeD said:
Point missed.

Iron Maiden = Soooo 80's.

You know...as in: "You were calling Mind Odyssey old school, then what do you call Maiden?"

Get it?

P.S. Mind Odyssey ROCKS! One can always hope for a reunion. :D

P.P.S. 'NTTS' came out in 1998...six years ago. Time for some B vitamins big dawg...that short term memory is startin' to go.


Hey Metulhed,

First off, I was giving the Q-Ball some shizzy on the matter...
Secondly, I know well that the album came out at that time. I have one of their albums.
Thirdly, I'm not exactly starting any threads (on this Forum) about Iron Maiden (since they are, you know, sooooooo 80's-as if that is bad?)

So, hope that covers "your point."

The_Q said:
Has anyone checked out this great band!!!! I just came across their release called "Nailed To The Shade". It has Victor Smolski from Rage on guitar and is AWESOME!!! I have ordered the album "Schizophrenia" as well and hope it to be equally as good or better!!!!

yeah, the cd you just got is hard to find. they have 4 out total. we bought the rest of what their old label "b mind records" had. the title we got is "signs" and it is reminesent of a technical queensryche!!! great band you have stumbled upon...

First off, I was giving the Q-Ball some shizzy on the matter...
Ahhh. I gotcha now. I guess I was missing some of the "history" between you and Q here. Sorry about that. So I gather you were busting his chops because he had jammed you up for being stuck in the 80's or something along those lines?

Me? I make no apologies for liking melodic metal. If that means I'm "stuck in the 80's" then I just say so be it. Most of the current metal out of Europe sounds just like 80's stuff anyway. Who cares? It's not about being trendy. It's about the music. Don't get me wrong. I do like Hoobastank, 36 Crazyfists, and many other modern rock/metal bands. But I just feel that music is too diverse to pigeonhole people or try to put musical expression in a box. People who label Maiden (or any other metal band for that matter) as "80's" simply reveal their own narrowness. There's room for all kinds.