Mindflow U.S. tour July/Aug - you can help!

Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga

Check their website to download their first two releases in their entirety for free! And if anyone
knows of any shows or fests in between July 16th - Aug 14th in the U.S. that Mindflow could
be a part of, please contact me through a PM here or pathfinderhoyt [at] gmail [dot] com.
I would greatly appreciate it, and so would this amazing prog-metal band who are headlining the
first annual Texas Madfest on July 14th.

And I would love to hook these guys up with a band like Eden's Fall for a midwest show, so please
let me know if you have anything in the works for later this summer. Thanks! :rock:
Thanks so much for the info, but they'll need to leave the U.S. around Aug 14th/15th to fly to Europe for a few fest dates. But please keep them in mind if anything else comes up.

we certainly appreciate it! :)