Mindless Self Indulgence – You’ll Rebel To Anything


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Mindless Self Indulgence – You’ll Rebel To Anything
Metropolis Records – 2005
By Russell Garwood


Mindless Self Indulgence won me over almost instantly with their cheeky brand of slightly crazed, new wave/punk influenced, nu-metal infused industrial. Some songs even ring of EBM. Coming in at just over 26-minutes, this is a very short album, and average track lengths of two and a half minutes hammer home that fact, but a very song orientated approach means that every track on You’ll Rebel To Anything is memorable. The band’s sense of humour makes for entertaining listening throughout. Melodic rhythm guitars leave the majority of the melody to the synths, which are highly melodic and a major constituent of the music. Occasional pianos add variety, while the falsetto-strong, nu-metal influenced singing is well performed and suits the music. I could have sworn the drums were programmed were it not for a drummer listed in the booklet, while the bass is not particularly prominent. Scratching is an intriguing addition in some songs, while effects are used throughout on the vocals.

All this makes for an unashamedly accessible, varied and short release. The mix of genres - in conjunction with the slightly demented feel – makes for an original sound, and while the commerciality of the music may put many metal fans off, industrial aficionados should definitely check this out. It also comes recommended for those after something slightly unusual, but probably not those doubting their sanity; while this will convince you you’re not alone, it may just set you off into an inexorable decline. Oh, and on a side-note, Mindless Self Indulgence – aptly chosen name.


Official Metropolis Records website
Official Mindless Self Indulgence website
There's a music video for the MSI track 'Bitches' somewhere on the internet that consists of edited-together footage from episodes of Pokemon, to give the effect that Pikachu is singing lyrics like 'The bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can rock/The bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can fuck'. Highly entertaining. :)