Mindwarp Chamber: new live pics


unus spiritus est
Oct 10, 2001
Mindwarp Chamber, Rival, and others played a pre-Thanksgiving Day Rebel Radio Appreciation show at Legends in Addison.

Mindwarp Chamber






Soul Joke


Judas Rising (Priest tribute)

^ I see Scotty's promoting the Doomsters. :heh:
Thanks for your comments, guys. Obviously this show wasn't at the HOB or Metro, or [insert your favorite dream theater here]. Of course it would be nice to have proper staging in every music venue setting but that's not the case, is it? Isn't it a given that the smaller clubs/venues don't always have all those extra bells and whistles? Nevertheless, the RR Appreciation show was still a worthwhile experience despite the milk crates, the karaoke sign, the common drum setup, et cetera, et cetera. Sorry you guys missed it! :p Links to the rest of the fotos from that night can be found here, Eyes of Fyr Foto Gallery - Music
But don't go there if the humble surroundings of Legends repulses you!
OF course we all like small club shows.
Though sometimes those signs and banners are a distraction in photos.
(IE - pics from places like Penny Road Pub with the broken Budweiser sign behind the drumkit, etc).
Of course it would be nice to have proper staging in every music venue setting but that's not the case, is it? Isn't it a given that the smaller clubs/venues don't always have all those extra bells and whistles?

<damage control>

Uh oh! Please don't take my comment the wrong way ... It's little things like (the crates) that give the small club shows all their charm. In fact, I'd prefer to see a band I like in a small club setting anytime. The band is closer, the beer is cheaper, and it's easier to find your friends.

So really - Nice pics!

</damage control>

Jasonic: I think I understand your point, although I would imagine anything could lend it self to distraction, even a full size band backdrop. Did you mean to say that things like the karaoke and Bud signs are negative distractions to you? If that's the case, then I think I better understand. If you ever had the opportunity to see any shows at the former Riley's Rockhouse in Aurora then you may recall the patches of duct tape all over the back wall there. That used to annoy me quite a bit. That seemed more like an unsightly distraction, to me anyway, than beer or karaoke signs. I recall whining about it back then too. A lot of good the whining did. We may have all "whined" that place out of existence.

Ken: You sensed impending damage? :p Don't sweat it, man, no serious damage done. I have to admit though, when I read your first comment I wondered if you were the type of person who might pass a milk crate sort of judgment as a guest in someone's humble home, and that sort of bugged me at first. But then I soon realized my own hypocrisy in that since I've done my own fair share of small venues critiques in the past, which is a form of passing judgment. The bottom line is this: I think my values have changed yet again. More and more everyday I feel the superficialness of the material world and all its bullshit trappings and loathe it that much more. I can't explain it adequately right now so I'll just say thanks for your clarifying comments. Legends isn't a terrible place. It's your typical suburban sports bar/music club combo. That pre-Thanksgiving show rocked! Some of the bands on the bill that night may not be the Chicago PowerFest crowd's cup of tea but those not familiar with Rival may enjoy what they have to offer. They've been kicking it around since the Whale days. Perhaps a bit underrated maybe? They fall under the old-school Power Metal category so maybe more than my philosophical values are changing... ;)
when I read your first comment I wondered if you were the type of person who might pass a milk crate sort of judgment as a guest in someone's humble home

Hardly! Evidence: in my own house, my "desk" in my "office" consists of an unfinished wood door, bought at a hardware store for like $20, sitting flat on top of two short filing cabinets. That's my own milk-crate type of making-do set up. It's actually not bad - lots of top space for CDs and coffee when I'm working.

I'm glad I followed up on my post, I don't think either Jasonic or I want to anger someone who always has a camera at shows :)
