Mindwarp Chamber news and personal announcement


Jul 26, 2002
The EP is sold out we wont be pressing anymore copies, there are a couple left here at some of the online vendors. I promised a couple people copies which I still have yet to have mailed out, I will get you your copies soon. Part of the reason that there will be no more copies of the EP is because the final CD is currently being mixed down. The CD is scheduled for a 2008 release. I will provide more info on that as we find out who will be handling the distribution of it.

To hold everyone over for a while we posted a new song from the upcoming CD on our myspace site, When the Snowdevil Sleeps. The song is not the final mix or mastered but we had to share it with everyone, we're all really into this song, its band favorite.


Hope to see some of you at our Dec 1st show.

Lastly and most importantly a bit of personal news, a few here know my wife she's been to all the PPs since 2, she missed the last fest because she was pregnant. I'm pleased to announce that she delivered a boy on Thursday night. Both Kara and Jesse are doing great. He's 7lbs 8oz and hairy as his dad LOL.

Dude, thanks for the update. Can't wait for the CD! Congrats to you and the family!!! It was fun hangin' with you here and there at PP. Really want to make the Dec 1 show, but have my company holiday gig. But I'm sure I'll see you next year. Hopefully yous guys will be opening for someone again at the Pearl Room!
Lastly and most importantly a bit of personal news, a few here know my wife she's been to all the PPs since 2, she missed the last fest because she was pregnant. I'm pleased to announce that she delivered a boy on Thursday night. Both Kara and Jesse are doing great. He's 7lbs 8oz and hairy as his dad LOL.
That's so awesome. Congratulations.

Great news on the birth of you son! Glad your wife and baby are both doing well!!
Thanks everyone.

We had a quite a scare Saturday night when we came home with the baby we rushed him to the emergency room and we've just gotten home a couple hours ago.

Kara found him laying on his back choking and his body was all tensed up, she thought it was a seizure but after a couple days of tests everything turned up negative which is great news.

We learned on thing and thats not to always follow what the doctors say. Apparently there is some new initiative where they want babies to sleep on their backs, well thats an easy way for a baby to choke. Prior to this said for them to sleep on their sides which if they do throw up they wont choke on it. The one nurse thats been at the hospital for 20+ years was saying this new sleep on the back thing is completely wrong.

Now everyone is back home really tired and stressed but its good to be back.
TApparently there is some new initiative where they want babies to sleep on their backs, well thats an easy way for a baby to choke. Prior to this said for them to sleep on their sides which if they do throw up they wont choke on it. The one nurse thats been at the hospital for 20+ years was saying this new sleep on the back thing is completely wrong.

Yikes, that is scary. Glad everything is OK. When we had our kids, the pediatricians and books always said to have your baby sleep on its back - since babies can't lift their own heads for a while, sleeping face down can be dangerous if they get into a position where they can't breath because of a blanket or something. And if they're on their side, it's easy to roll over to their front.

But our experience was: do what works best for you. We tried to be good parents and have our younger daughter sleep on her back. But she never slept well. We learned quickly that she slept much longer when sleeping on her front, with her head turned to one side. So that's what we went with from then on. She got better sleep, and we stayed sane.
