Mindwarp Chamber


Professional Headbanger
Jul 23, 2007
Shreddy - Just wanted to thank you for your band's EP that you gave me down at PP. Great stuff. Hope to see you guys again sometime! Anyone else in Chicago should try and check out Mindwarp Chamber next time they play in the area.
I approve of the post that started this thread :rock:

Mindwarp Chamber's EP is called Skeptic's Eye. It has 5 tracks, but totals over 38 minutes altogether, so it's not an EP so much as a short CD :)

Their music is dark, crunchy tasty prog. The first time I ever saw them live, the music seemed a bit chaotic, but I think that was just my unfamiliarity with the material. Upon seeing them more and hearing this EP, there is quite a lot of melody in there too, particularly in the choruses.

My favorite track on the EP is Closing the Chapter, which is just called "Bonus Track" on the cover. My second favorite is the 10-minute beast called "Return to Dust". I defy anyone to not sing along with a snarl on your face while Scott belts out, "There’s only so much cross I can bear!" Awesome stuff.

According to their Myspace page, there aren't many copies of the EP left, but they're working on a full length for release in (hopefully!) early 2008.


Yeap awesome disc! Thanks Shreddy! Its already in rotation on my show, and my main station I'm with!

The response has been fantastic!
Thanks all,

Praise coming from people here means a lot to me, I really appreciate it and I mean it.

We're going to start mixing down the remaining tracks for the CD next month, we planning on possibly doing a show or two next month as well. When I find out more I will let you all know.

Thanks all,

Praise coming from people here means a lot to me, I really appreciate it and I mean it.

We're going to start mixing down the remaining tracks for the CD next month, we planning on possibly doing a show or two next month as well. When I find out more I will let you all know.


if/when you get ready to travel south towards the ATL, let me know. :rock: