mingin mozzi bites

Mingin? Doesn't "to ming" mean "to emit an unpleasant odour"?
No shit. Didn't hurt though, and it was probably my own fault for sticking my fingers in its gob. I knew someone who got headbutted off his feet by a sheep too, while playing bagpipes alone in the woods...
ugh. reminds me, me uncle had a dog when i was a kid. i was really afraid. and some day he was holding it and got me to caress the dogs head. so i started caressing it and started to feel confident like, then that smelly piece of shit decided to bite my hand. but thanks allah it didnt hurt really but i sort of grew scorn towards dogs.
Susie said:
hi there hey dunc if your mingin as much as micks bites i feel sorry for you mate get your camoline lotion out mate

I got them on me head, fingertips, arms, toes and me eyelid :yell:
Got this stuff that works ok though, but still scratchin like a smackhead :erk:
ozone damage can occur without any noticeable signs.
you may cough or have impaired or painful breathing. people with emphysema or bronchitis may see a worsening of symptoms.
researchers at the university of southern california have shown that ozone may cause asthma.
recent research shows that exposure to ozone could also potentially have implications for skin health.