mini-vans....WTF ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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My little wife (who is also a metal-head btw) said she wants an SUV or a mini-van though we don't have children yet. I thought to myself.... yeah some SUVs are cool, we will go look. We went to a local car dealership and looked at the Suvs and minivans.
When I actually climbed into a loaded 2000 Chrysler Town and Country mini-van, I can see why they sell 30 million mini-vans a day. I mean, I might have to get flames painted on the side to keep from trying to get in the wrong one after going to the grocery store and to keep my ride from looking like everyone else's out there, but that is one bad-ass ride !! I can tear out the rear bench and two backseat buckets to carry PA, drumset, etc. or I can leave it in and carry six buddies (in the seats, plus whoever wants to sit on the floor) in this party machine. I might have to get a naked barbarian woman painted on the side of it or something, but all ya'll need to think about one when you are ready for another ride.

Soccer Mom Bryant
Bryant said:
My little wife (who is also a metal-head btw) said she wants an SUV or a mini-van though we don't have children yet.
maybe that's her way of telling you she's pregnant :loco:
jokes aside, i think everyone's free to drive around on what they want, and a mini-van can be useful and cool, but please! a naked barbarian woman no!! :yell:
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There is nothing more metal that a mini-van! If you want it to be manly, paint an albatross on the side! There is nothing more manly than an albatross.
My parents have a mini-van...a Ford Galaxy...bought it brand new last year...
Pretty roomy and nice, but for that price I think I would have gotten something else...
FailingAcension said:
There is nothing more metal that a mini-van! If you want it to be manly, paint an albatross on the side! There is nothing more manly than an albatross.

That was actually my first idea. I could paint light blue, white and yellow albatrosses on my pink mini-van, but I noticed pink wasn't a factory color. It's too bad, as it would have went great with my customized floral motif Slayer licence plate. : /

manuelgv said:
cover it with flowers on one side
and pentagrams on the other
metal yet hippie

Hmmm..... your idea would describe my personality quite well, but probably not what I would want on my van. Maybe I could put some "baby moons" and those little round windows on it like they had on the 70's vans. I would have to get curb feelers and the "Beatles Greatest Hits" and "Black Sabbath's Greatest hits" CDs to complete the look. Maybe not. >:p~

I bought one. I got the 2000 Chrysler Town and Country I looked at first. Think about this one.... It's dark metallic blue and the only option it doesn't have is a robotic arm that comes out and hands you a tissue when it sneezes. I have thought about adding that option myself anyway... You can load 20 of your closest friends in there that you met a couple of hours before or rip the seats out with the pull of a handle and load a PA and drumset. The gas mileage sucks, but I don't care if the suburban family that can open their window and touch their neighbor's house with a fishing rod apologizes for owning one or not, I fucking like it !!!

I hate driving behind mini-vans, but now that Antonio is a growing boy (and who knows how long before a sibling or two come along), I'd certainly consider driving one myself. My wife is resisting the idea (but she's also resisting the "sibling or two" idea, too :lol: ), but I'm sure she'll come around eventually.
Mini-vans are alright. They ride nice. I've always thought it would be funny to dress up in leather, spikes, and corpse paint and drive a mini-van around town or to a show. I would have my own personal Thoth moment. I want a mini-van!
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Chicks dig mini-vans. They look at a man in a mini-van and go "Domestic" It's the only way to go cruising.

And a carseat in the car makes it all the better. :)

...:erk:... or that's what I tell myself :)
Nightmarez said:
Chicks dig mini-vans. They look at a man in a mini-van and go "Domestic" It's the only way to go cruising.

And a carseat in the car makes it all the better. :)

Ha ha ha maybe so. ^__^ What's weird is I didn't see "domestic" like 99% of people in the US when I was thinking about buying it. I saw the fact that you can tear out the rear seating (both rows) and have more cargo room than even a Suburban, or you can lug around six other people comfortably if needed and it drives like a luxury sedan and gets better gas mileage than the big SUVs.
The reason I made the post in the first place is because I keep getting things like "Why did you buy a mini-van? you don't have any kids" from people at work etc. Mine has a ten speaker Infinity Audio system and the speakers are from the dash all the way back to the very back and it gives the music a bunch of depth because of how far the speakers are from each other. If I had more money, I'd buy another one so I could have a spare. I love it.

Damn, I hate mini vans with such a passion :mad: I can't race like a mad man with one, I can't see myself married with kids driving a mini van :erk: I even feel old thinking about it :ill:
Bryant said:
Nightmarez said:
Chicks dig mini-vans. They look at a man in a mini-van and go "Domestic" It's the only way to go cruising.

And a carseat in the car makes it all the better. :)

Ha ha ha maybe so. ^__^ What's weird is I didn't see "domestic" like 99% of people in the US when I was thinking about buying it. I saw the fact that you can tear out the rear seating (both rows) and have more cargo room than even a Suburban, or you can lug around six other people comfortably if needed and it drives like a luxury sedan and gets better gas mileage than the big SUVs.
The reason I made the post in the first place is because I keep getting things like "Why did you buy a mini-van? you don't have any kids" from people at work etc. Mine has a ten speaker Infinity Audio system and the speakers are from the dash all the way back to the very back and it gives the music a bunch of depth because of how far the speakers are from each other. If I had more money, I'd buy another one so I could have a spare. I love it.


Okay, hold on... let me practice my 'ghetto'. That is Pimped Juicey Juice. 100% Juice, For 100% Pimpness. :tickled:

...Kay I'm done. Anyways, you my man, are a free-thinker. Kudos to you for the ten speaker Infinity Audio system! Sounds awesome. I'd like to drive in one of those myself.