Ministry - Sphinctour


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Ministry - Sphinctour
MYN05 Mayan/sanctuary 2002
By Russell Garwood

"Sphinctour" is a live retrospective of Ministry's hugely influential career. Recorded in locations ranging from Paris through Venice to LA, the release is accompanied by a live DVD which documents the 1996 "Filth Pig" tour. Spanning 2 continents, 11 countries and 60 shows, this album is a unique insight into Ministry's intense performances, and proves the scathing, angry, political songs work just as well in a live setting as in the studio. For this tour the primary forces behind the band, Al Jourgensen and Paul Barker, were joined by guitarists Louie Svitek (Minffunk) and Zlatko Hukic (a.k.a Marz), sampler Duane Buford and drummer Reg Washam (Tad, Rapeman, Scratch Acid).

The music, for those new to the band, is industrial metal - samples and tape effects form an integral part of the sound while crushing guitars, atonal vocals and strong and driving drums make for a more extreme sound. Standout tracks include opener "Psalm 69" for the thrashing guitars and catchy verses, "Just One Fix" for the pitch black atmosphere, a heavier yet entertaining song "Lava", and the less extreme, yet epic and dark final track "Fall".

My only complaint about this album is that many of the songs rely heavily on question and answer feel vocals with the backing singers, and don't really develop much past the initial idea. This is not a major problem, however, as the album certainly doesn't get boring. This release would attract not only metal fans, but listeners of industrial and harsher electronic as well. Definitely a must for Ministry fans, "Sphinctour" is an album which shows how truly influential the band has been throughout it's two decade career..