Ministry - The Last Sucker is tasty


Aug 31, 2003
This could've of been the follow-up to Psalm 69 in my opinion.

They brought back a lot of the industrial elements. The sound, samples, and riffs mixed together make 1 awesome album. This album pretty much has elements from all their past work(with the exception of their earlier dance-pop days).

Too bad Al is putting an end to Ministry after the 2008 world tour. :(
yeah no shit, no shitting onthe bus and feeding it to the quitarist for breakfast, power freaks
Sounds good. I love their prior release, 'Rio Grande Blood'. In fact, I can thank a certain school teacher I once had for getting me into Ministry. If this truly is their final tour, then I reckon I'll have to see them.

yeah no shit, no shitting onthe bus and feeding it to the quitarist for breakfast, power freaks

It wouldn't hurt for you to make a little sense.
sense dude, read a freak like me, by that seattle dude....jim rose, in it is the stoyr i just told when he went on tour with ministry in the lapazooo festival hahahaha interesting hey!
This could've of been the follow-up to Psalm 69 in my opinion.

They brought back a lot of the industrial elements. The sound, samples, and riffs mixed together make 1 awesome album. This album pretty much has elements from all their past work(with the exception of their earlier dance-pop days).

Too bad Al is putting an end to Ministry after the 2008 world tour. :(

yeah, I agree with that. excellent album (almost as good as psalm 69), better than a cup of coffee. but it's much more metal (the structure of the songs) than industrial.

anyone have heard sixx am: the heroin diaries sountrack?
yeah, I agree with that. excellent album (almost as good as psalm 69), better than a cup of coffee. but it's much more metal (the structure of the songs) than industrial.

Their last 2 albums have them more metal than ever before. Rio Grande Blood pretty much has them pushing thrash metal - kinda like Slayer's earlier days.
Rio Grande Blood should be banned, considering what they dish up onthe freemasons....