On November 9, 2016, MINISTRY's Al Jourgensen woke up and said, "It's time to make a fucking album." When six-time Grammy-nominated Jourgensen had released the final album of his blistering Bush-era trilogy — "Houses Of The Mole", "Rio Grande Blood" and "The Last Sucker" — where he just railled against George Dubya, he realized that it's not about the candidate. "I always knew this, but on that album it really hit home that we're all suckers," he said. With the upcoming, politically charged "AmeriKKKant", he wanted to focus on why we would elect someone like Donald Trump, rather than have the songs be about the current administration. "That's more interesting that who the fuck's in charge," he added. "Even the ruling class overlords don't know who's in charge. As a society, we're not pulling our weight. Our value and morality systems are completely out the window, it's become all about a monetary system, what every action is based on. You make bad mistakes as a human being when you're chasing the green dragon, the almight dollar. When that's the motivating factor in our actions, we end up with someone like Trump. And that's what I wanted to comment on with this record." "AmeriKKKant" will be released on March 9, 2018 via Nuclear Blast Records. The disc will feature guest appearances by DJ Swamp (Beck), Burton C. Bell (FEAR FACTORY), Arabian Prince (N.W.A.) and Lord Of The Cello. Produced by Jourgensen, recorded at Caribou Studios in Burbank, California between January and May last year, and with striking artwork created by Mister Sam Shearon, the album's psychedelic, politically influenced and very much in-your-face nine tracks are rooted in Jourgensen's unadulterated anger for what’s happening in America today — the waning respect for the U.S. Constitution, the growing acceptance of one’s opinions replacing facts, the decline of our leaders' sense of morals, ethics and personal responsibility to the country and to their constituents, and the mad man in the White House. MINISTRY will hit the road with its politics-meet-P.T.- Barnum live show, complete with giant inflatable Trump chickens, video screens projecting equally politically imbued images to compliment the music, and lots of surprises. It's going to be a wild ride.
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