Minneapolis Mayhem - officially over


Aug 29, 2002
In Space
I just thought that I would try another Minneapolis Mayhem and the turnout was so outragously low that you can hear a pin drop. Thanks for the people who did supported the show in its four year run.
I do hope for another HC3. But, we are still very undecided.

sorry to hear that. It seems more and more that fest other than ProgPower are not doing well. One of my freinds and I were discussing the reasoning. We both came up with that a few years back there were not as many smaller bands coming over here on tour. So a fest was the only real way to see some of these bands. Now lots of these bands are coming over and playing on smaller tours or opening for bigger bands.
Also the fact that there are more and more metal shows happening. years ago there were a handful of decent ones so you went just to check it out. Now with so many to choose from...you can be more selective. Which can kill a fest.
I really hope you can pull off another Heathen Crusade. I would still love to check it out one day. good luck.
I just thought that I would try another Minneapolis Mayhem and the turnout was so outragously low that you can hear a pin drop. Thanks for the people who did supported the show in its four year run.

Sorry to hear that John.

MisterMayhem said:
I do hope for another HC3. But, we are still very undecided.

You can always count on my support and the support of the RC contingent.

Man that's terrible news!! >_< I had wanted to go too, but got caught up in other stuff. Before I knew it, it was already in progress. I want to make it to HC3 if you put it together again!
Damn, sorry to hear that!

If you ever resurrect it, change the name to something that doesn't involve two M's together. Nowadays, if an American metalfest even looks vaguely like Milwaukee Metalfest, it's doomed from the get-go.
Seeing the terrible things that are happening with tours and festivals now makes me cringe.

At least you tried which is more than can be said of many who have dreams but not the courage to act. Failure of the festival does not translate into a failure of effort and into a failure to do a great thing for the Minnesota metal scene. We'd be lost without you.

Nathan Block
Proud to be a fellow Minnesota metal promoter

At least you tried which is more than can be said of many who have dreams but not the courage to act. Failure of the festival does not translate into a failure of effort and into a failure to do a great thing for the Minnesota metal scene. We'd be lost without you.

Nathan Block
Proud to be a fellow Minnesota metal promoter

Amen! I've had my share of show failures. It's never easy to deal with. After investing so much time and energy into an event that fails, it's hard to not let it affect you on a personal level. You did all you could, John, and I'm willing to bet your shows have meant a LOT to a number of people, including the bands that don't get to play here often!