minneapolis/st. paul people!

It was tested in 2005 and deemed 50 out of 100% safe and deemed "deficient" by the engineers doing the testing. At least that's what NPR was saying all day. I haven't heard anything about the goverment being involved in this...

Either way it's an absolute nightmare what happened to those people and I just hope it doesn't happen again. Could we please PLEASE learn from our mistakes?

p.s. ^ Hi Reign in Acai :oops:
for some reason this whole bridge collpase story leaves me cold ... could have been totally avoided with proper inspection.

the city is going to get their asses sued
Born and raised in MN. Watching the footage of that was similar to the 9/11 footage. It made me sick. On a lesser level, but it was still bad. My friends son and his mother were unaccounted for many hours after the collapse and they travel the bridge at precisely that time every day. Turns out she took a vacation day to visit a friend in WI and didn't tell anyone because it wasn't a big deal. We were all shitting bricks.

edit: I imagine it will be years before Mpls is back to normal.