Mirror Black website is up

Matt Lee

Aug 6, 2004
New York, NY
For anyone who's been at all curious about our somewhat obviously named band, the website is now up and has pictures from our Halloween show as well as an mp3 of our first song (under "Downloads").


Note on the song: Yes, the influence is obvious, but not all of our songs will sound the same, so don't worry we're not a clone band. (our next two sound totally different)
Matt Lee said:
Yes, the influence is obvious
totally haha.....its alright. the solo section goes on waaay too long without changing riffs....that, and the total NM biting are my only gripes i guess. and the singer should quit his WD impression and get his own style heh.
neal said:
and the singer should quit his WD impression and get his own style heh.

AGREED! :) He tries way too often and too hard to do Warrel-like melody lines, and frankly its annoying when I write stuff that wasn't intended for that kind of thing at all. (Blinded was written before I joined the band btw)
I liked the song on the demo you gave me Matt.
Yes,the singer is doing a little too much of a WD impression but I guess things could be worse.
I will check out the website when I get home from work.
Metalmilita2000 said:
Hey Matt, if you have a demo, PM me or Email me if you can send me one, i am on www.metalreviews.com and i will give it a few spins and review it. If this song is a sign of things to come, i think i am gonna like it.


The song on the site is all we have recorded so far, but the plan is to go into the studio in early 2005 and record a (probably) 5 song EP. Once its done I'm sure we can get you a copy.