Mirror Mirror


Apr 29, 2001
Are any of you checking out the new radio station from BW&BK.com? It's pretty cool (at least while at work and I can't play my regular cds). Its like a flashback a lotta time (I haven't heard Opeth yet but they're gonna play it). Anyway they just played some Helloween song Mirror Mirror. Didn't sound like the helloween I remember but how strange they have lyrics from a disney movie? :eek: :eek: ha ha
"Mirror Mirror on the wall whos the sickest of them all" (or something like that) jeezus thats fukcn silly :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
No, it says who it is playing at the time, and it was Helloween. I mean it just seemed pretty silly cause it was just like a "metal" verson of the wicked step mother. :rolleyes: derrr. :rolleyes: They're playing a wide range of metal thats for sure, but it's sorta nice.

AND.........they just playedThe Leper Affinity!! :eek: :grin: :eek: This rules, who cares I'm hardly working, or hard at work. one.
Blind Guardian's mirror mirror goes like this

"Mirror mirror on the wall
True hope lies beyond the coast
you're a damned kind can't you see
That the winds will change"

Not in the Snow White tone...
Mirror Mirror by Blind Guardian is an awesome song. Nightfall in Middle Earth is one of my favourite albums :)

Hahah Helloween. They're still fun though. But if you think that's bad, you should listen to Dr. Stein...and now just for your benefit:

Dr Stein

Once they killed his monster when it went into a trap
Now he's making better ones on a higher step

On a warm summer day the doctor went away
To a place where he could make it real
His assistant's hips were nice
So he cloned her once or twice
Now his hips are aching what a deal

Dr. Stein grows funny creatures
Lets them run into the night
They become great rock musicians
And their time is right

Sometimes when he's feeling bored
He's calling it a day
He's got his computers and they do it their own way

They mix some DNA, some skin a and a certain spray
You can watch it on a laser screen
And the fellow's blue and grey
Or sometimes pink and green
Just check it out on Halloween

Dr. Stein grows funny creatures
Lets them run into the night
They become great politicians
And their time is right

One night he cloned himself
Put his brother on a shelf
But when he fell asleep that night
It crept up from behind and thought "well never mind"
Took a syringe and blew out his life

Dr. Stein grows funny creatures
Lets them run into the night
They become a great possession
And their time is right

Dr. Stein grows funny creatures
Lets them run into the night
They become a great oppression
And their time is right