Mirrorstone - I'm in love again

SilentRealm said:
My goodness when I heard about Mirrorstone I was not expecting very much but wow! I'm in love! (doesnt happen too often with bands for me) Very Symphony X influenced prog metal and this guys voice... *DROOOOOOLS* yummy yummy yummy. anyhoo here's the webpage where you can dl songs for yourself to judge..


now to find where i order my cd at
Wow, I am pretty impressed myself! I also like the vocalist because he doesn't have the high screechy voice that most prog metal band vocalists have. He doesn't from what I have heard have as much versatility in his voice like Russell (but who does? lol) but is still good. Also, the sound quality is very good, I am saying this is because most bands that make demos due to not having released a debut album yet have a terrible sound quality. These songs could easily be put on their debut album when they release it, and I hope they do! I will surely be looking out for their debut album myself!
This stuff sounds good to me.....Have you located an outlet for the CD? I'm having no luck.
Seems like more people are responding to the Circus Maximus thread than this one. They both sound good to me but my opinion as of now sparks my interest more towards Mirrorstone.
Ah thats coz they have no taste.. lol just kidding i havent even heard the other yet. The demo for these guys was just recorded in december so im guessing it will be a while before any first cd is out but i love what i hear, so catchy and nice. Seems like a promising new band for me anyway.
DrumRman said:
IMO the singer, and melodies are aweful. Ruins the songs for me. I'll pass.
You sir, lack musical intelligence.....hehe just kidding:)

I don't think they are groundbreaking or anything, I just feel that the melody is nice and the singer has promise.
Holy crap! I'm impressed. So these guys don't have a cd out yet? They remind me of sym x, but I think they could add some cool heavy breakdowns into their songs to spice them up a bit. That's just what I like to hear. The singer is good, the band is good, I really have no negative criticism for them. It seems like they are trying to sound just like Sym X, in fact. But, hey, at least they are shooting for the best! They are just a decent band. They aren't showcasing themselves like so many other bands try to do; they are just interested in writing good compositions. I will watch these guys and definately buy their cd. Thanks for finding this!
