Misc. Stuff Web Stuff


I'm working on reviews for the new Blind Gaurdian...I have never been much of a fan...
The Girls got Rhythm covers record, Kottak, which is the band formerly known as Krunk which features a great cover of "Money Changes Everything" and "Holiday" and yes this is James Kottak's band...
Also the great band known as Chrome Divison which sounds more and more fucking Motorhead after each spin!!!!
Also as stated the Schenker interview...
Just wrapped up the edit on the Benedictum interview which I will give you guys the first peak at this weekend...

Cheers SIXX---------------->:headbang:
sixxswine said:
Kottak, which is the band formerly known as Krunk which features a great cover of "Money Changes Everything" and "Holiday" and yes this is James Kottak's band...
Cheers SIXX---------------->:headbang:

James changed the band from Krunk to Kottak? I like Krunk better, wonder why he changed?
here's my rough interview, not the final edit and the spelling hasn't been checked, nor has the introduction been completed (or typed up for that matter)...

<b> Introduction</b><br><br>

<b>Ruben Mosqueda for Pivotal Rage:<i>Uncreation</i> is one of the surprises of 2006, in my humble opinion. Thanks to the kind folks at Kayos that passed the album my way. Benedictum is currently the best kept secret in metal. What inspired the name? </b>

<br><br>Veronica Freeman: Well first of all thanks for your interest in Benedictum! The name was taken from a song we had written a while back. We were originally going to call ourselves Bound but the label and others involved felt that the name did not fit us and wanted us to go with the name Benedictum, which means blessings. We weren’t too thrilled about it at first but we are over it now.<br><br>

<b>Why two covers on the album? It’s kind of daring to do something like that on your first outting. Was that the band’s idea or Jeff’s? </b>

<br><br>Neither! That is something that seems to haunt us. It was by no means our intent to do that. At the end of the recording process, we were out of time and money to be honest. Jeff had to start touring with Foreigner and at the last minute the label requested a bonus track. They had heard a prior rendition of “Rainbow in the Dark” that we did on the fly a while back and wanted us to do that or something as a bonus for a limited digi-pack version. Now we also were pitched the idea from Pilson that we may be able to get to work with Jimmy Bane…. We couldn’t pass that up!
We had to wrap it up in a day or two, make arrangements at a Studio in San Diego (Kings Ransom--- Jeff Sers produced it) and off we went.
We decided to do “Rainbow in the Dark” and threw “Mob Rules” in since we had enough time that day.
Well, upon hearing the playback we realized that Mob had much better energy and we had to go with it.
As I mentioned earlier, we were assured it would only be on a limited number of Cds. Obviously that didn’t happen and Mob ended up being part of the whole CD.<br><br>

<b>When did Jesse join the band? Was he in the picture at the time of the recording? Jeff Pilson plays all the bass tracks on the album...</b>

<br><br>Yes Jeff played on the album due to the fact that we had no bass player at the time. Our bass player at the time had to move so Jeff offered his services (to our amazement). During the recording process we were looking for bass players, Blackie and Pete went to check out Jesse while he was standing in for Cage at a show in San Diego. They liked what they saw and heard and he came on board just as we were finishing things up with the recording.<br><br>

<b>Speaking of Jeff Pilson, how was it working with him? Were you familiar with his work with Dokken, War and Peace? What did he bring to the project?</b>

<br><br>We consider Jeff the sixth member of Benedictum. To work; and I emphasize the word “work” with Jeff was amazing! He is definitely a task master bringing out the very best in all of us. I learned so much. He took us all to another level and I thank him for that. He was a lot of fun as well… has a great family too!
His focus was intense and his talent amazing!
Of course we were thrilled when we first found out he had agreed to work with us.. We were all familiar with his work with Dokken and got a taste of War and Peace as well. We look forward to working with him in the future.<br><br>

<b>Are there any plans for a tour in the United States? I know you’ve played in Europe a few months back and you played some select shows in North America…</b>

<br><br>We just played the first PowerProgWest in Hollywood this past Sunday. That was cool.
At this time no dates for a Stateside tour. That would be cool and we keep our fingers crossed but it does seem to be harder to get shows in our own backyard than across the Atlantic. <br><br>

<b>Best memory of touring this summer? How receptive were audiences to Benedictum? </b>

<br><br>Everything. The fans… the fans …. The food… the fans… the scenery and the fans! What a joy to be in a place where all types of metal are welcome and appreciated. Just the energy of the crowd was moving indeed. We definitely felt the love. <br><br>

<b>What do you think of audiences in Europe? How do they compare to the United States? </b>

<br><br>Ok realizing that Benedictum has only played twice in the states (as Benedictum) I must say that there was a difference but in a way I would like to explain. First off our music is more popular at this juncture in Europe so more people were familiar with us. That was very cool, but the shows in the States…. The people that were there really enjoyed it… and it seemed as though there was a sense of hunger for it. They appreciated our style because it just isn’t all over the place here and that in itself was cool to witness. We are not everyone’s “cup of tea” but for those that like more traditional Power Metal with I would say a bit of a modern edge… they were happy, I hope (ha ha)! <br><br>

<b>Any plans to tour Latin America, Australia or Far East? </b>

<br><br>We do have someone that is working on a possible tour in Latin America. But there’s nothing definite yet.
It remains to be seen as far as Australia and the Far East. Nothing has been proposed but we would love it!
The next Festival we have is in Mexico at the Monterrey Metal Fest which I think has been moved to November.<br><br>

<b>Have you guys recorded any of the shows for possible release? I haven’t seen you guys live, but own the album and love it. That would be the next best thing to seeing you guys live I think. </b>

<br><br>We have our own personal videos which came out pretty cool, and someone forwarded me a link of a bootleg DVD that someone was selling online but we have not had a professional video tape done. I think it is time that we did that though! <br><br>

<b>What inspired the Latin lyrics in “Benedictum?” </b>

<br><br>Ahhhh lets see, I had a writers block moment. For a few weeks actually! I just couldn’t seem to come up with any cool melodies or lyrics and I started to panic. One day while driving I just started making these weird words up (maybe I was possessed ha ha) and then later got a hold of a Latin English dictionary and tried to create something cool out of it. The original version was about spiritual warfare… I don’t know if that got lost along the way once we redid it but there ya go!<br><br>

<b>Are the lyrics in “Misogyny” directed to someone in particular?</b>

<br><br>I am the biggest fan of shows like “Forensic Files”, “Medical Detectives” “Cold Case Files” etc and have been interested in the very sick mindset of serial killers like Ted Bundy, BTK. Green River Killer etc. these particular people and many more like them were definitely misogynistic in their actions. The song is actually at times from a victim’s perspective. No matter what has been done unto someone (male or female for that matter) you can not kill the spirit.
“I know who you are the perfect stranger with the face that blends in the crowd” Seems that so many of these people are the ones no one suspects.<br><br>

<b>What is you favorite track on the album and why? </b>

<br><br>For me it is “Two Steps to the Sun” simply because of how I was feeling at the time I wrote the lyrics. I was so down and the writing of that song was cathartic and therapeutic for me.<br><br>

<b>What was the most difficult song to either write or record? </b>

<br><br>”Wicca” as the most difficult one for me to record. For some reason the first day I went into the studio to do it… I was right on target. When Jeff wanted to do it again I just couldn’t get the intensity that he was looking for…. I remember just bursting into tears being so frustrated. Of course after that little crying jag…. I did it… hmmm. <br><br>

<b>How do you follow <i>Uncreation</i>? It’s a solid album. Have you started to think about the next album? Any working titles? Time frame? </b>

<br><br>I am a bit nervous about that. But we have some tunes we are working on and I hope we will be able to deliver!
We are looking at an April ’07 time frame for we are going to work with Pilson again and need to coordinate with his busy schedule. <br><br>

<b>Are women accepted more in metal these days? What’s been your experience? I did an interview with Doro Pesch a few months back and she paved the way for women in heavy music. </b>

<br><br>I am sure that they are. My experience for the most part has been pretty good. The reality for me is that I have had a lot of very cool men help me out so to those guys I am very grateful. I think it takes a lot for guys to back a woman front person.
So for me, I am grateful to anyone and everyone that has been supportive along the way! By the way, I just adore Doro and hope to meet her some day!<br><br>

<b>In closing, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to answer some questions. Also I don’t know if you’ve read the review of <i>Uncreation</i>? You can find it on www.pivotalalliance.com/ .</b>

<br><br>I just read it!! Thanks for your support!!!<b><br>

<b>Thanks for reading that great! My friends at Ultimate Metal’s Old School forum love Benedictum and this has been collaborative effort. They helped out with some of the questions. Is there anything you’d like to say to the readers of Pivotal Rage? </b>

<br><br>Of course! Thanks for your support. Give Uncreation a try and spread the word about Benedictum if you like it! I can’t ask for more than that!! <br><br>

<b>Thanks for your time and check out the band’s website http://benedictum.net/ and their myspace page at www.myspace.com/benedictum .
© 2006 Swinetime</b>