Misery Index


In Thor we trust
Mar 21, 2003
Hey i dont know if any of you like Misery Index but i went to see them yesterday and my friends were also playing there (They are in a local band called Sordid www.sordidmetal.cjb.net) anyhow the guys from Misery didnt have a place to sleep and all slept at the singers (from Sordid) house. Was pretty cool cuz they was an after party there and i got to hang out with the guys! Sparky freaking rules man! Jason seems either shy,reserved or an ass LOL Matt was more our age (24) so he seems to connect more with us at first you know and the other guitarist i didnt get to know him much cuz he went to sleep first.So anyhow that was just weird man... ending up partying with Misery Index! It made my day.. well my week ... month! hehehe It just fucking rules,now imagine the same with Amon Amarth!!!!! That would rock...

p.s- Sordid doesnt have an album yet and the only song on the website as crappy recording hehe
Hey man nobody believes me or nobody cares about Misery Index on this board? LOL I cant believe no one replied anything. Oh well,i must be the weird one then.
Misery Index are pretty cool. I like Dying Fetus more. I guess its not that big a deal if you party with some metal band cause its not like metal band members are not accessable like big stars, you know, they are always interacting with their fans.
DaMenace123 said:
Misery Index are pretty cool. I like Dying Fetus more. I guess its not that big a deal if you party with some metal band cause its not like metal band members are not accessable like big stars, you know, they are always interacting with their fans.

Ya thats true but that still doesnt happen al the time,ive been to alot of show and for me its was my first time.Also,they usually sleep at an hotel... when i saw amon amarth i couldnt even speak to them ,they were like completly seperated from the public the whole show! I know they are probably more popular de Misery Index but still!
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Just finished the "pulling...". Exellent!

Cool man nice to know you liked them,if u didnt know Dying Fetus u should check some of there shit too,Jason,the basssist/singer in Misery did alot of work with Dying in the first few albums.

www.dyingfetus.com if my memory is correct hehehe