Missing, presumed dead?


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Rondinelli: Our Cross, Our Sins (bought from Spawny's record club and still absent from my letterbox. Hint hint...)

Ace Frehley: Trouble Walkin' (the remaster- ordered back in January from Chaos to replace the tape I've had for thirteen years)

Four discs worth of rare KISS, Sabbath and assorted covers, copied from my hard drive to be put onto CD by a friend. (I've gotta get my own burner!)

New episodes of CSI, Buffy, The Simpsons, Angel and Charmed. (Why do all my favourite shows go into repeats over Easter/school holidays? :mad: )

Any information on the whereabouts of these items would be most helpful :).

I thought you were referring to Crossy, PIV Bassman and Morticia there.

Sorry mate, I'm no help!

I bought the cd thingy to post it yesterday and it should be sent tomorrow barring unforseen circumstances :) (Though if you had sent the self addressed thingamy yourself it would have gone the next day, I told you I may not have time to send it straight away if I had to do it!!)

Anyway, you should be rocking by the end of the week :)
Excellent :headbang:

It would have taken me twice as long to get to the post office as you Spawny :lol: I don't even get out of bed without orders sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again and finally put on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard".

Ah, Douglas Adams (RIP) Where would my vocabulary be without you? :).