MISSION: Holiday Hob Nob


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Oct 7, 2003
Where you live
MISSION LOCALE: Mr. Salesdood's house
MISSION CHRONOS: Tonight, 8-10pm

MISSION NOTES: Free food, open bar.

1) Embarrass Cindy Q. Marketingtool in as many forms as possible
2) Drink irresponsibly until asked to leave
3) Leave indecipherable punch messages on carpet
4) Get friend's fiancee completely obliterated so she spouts off incredibly inappropriate tidbits of knowledge at mind numbing volumes
5) Keep my fiancee from falling asleep after working 12-hr shifts 3 days in a row (AKA Drool Patrol)
6) Leave with "Free Holiday Gift" of my choosing, to be determined after perusing their china cabinet and/or cd/dvd collections

Report to follow.

It was indeed open bar and free food (roast beef, shrimp cocktails, cheese & crackers, fruit, melba toast w/ crap on it), but it was supplied by our company's caterers. So the company totally paid for everything. I even recognized the catering people from work. Bar was Annheuser Busch products (a client of ours) and some dece French wine.

As for the objectives:
1) Embarrass Cindy Q. Marketingtool in as many forms as possible
Didn't make contact with Cindy. Actually, our whole group (like 12 people) spent the entire night moving like an amoeba to avoid contact with her. She at one point came up and asked where my gf was and I said "in the kitchen puking" so she left me alone. Objective partly completed.

2) Drink irresponsibly until asked to leave
Both of us had to drive, but we did partake of much cheap beer and wine. Damage done. Objective only partly completed.

3) Leave indecipherable punch messages on carpet
Not punch- used mostly the nasty mushroom/olive dip that I vomited up on tasting. Objective semi-completed.

4) Get friend's fiancee completely obliterated so she spouts off incredibly inappropriate tidbits of knowledge at mind numbing volumes
She didn't need to be drunk. She's always loud and inappropriate- the booze aids it, though. And I did go fetch her a couple drinks so I helped out. Her stories included: 'Shit-filled dog they babysat', 'fucking idiot marketing people', 'shut up sissy boy (to guy she just met)!', and 'That guy (Mr. Sales Exec) is so drunk!' Objective completed!

5) Keep my fiancee from falling asleep after working 12-hr shifts 3 days in a row (AKA Drool Patrol)
She stayed awake, even with a couple glasses of wine. Objective completed!

6) Leave with "Free Holiday Gift" of my choosing, to be determined after perusing their china cabinet and/or cd/dvd collections
Left with 'free' bottle of wine. Objective completed!

Overall, it was a success. Marginal blood loss, no embarrassing moments on my part/my fiancee's part, and we all stayed past our welcome. Much better than last year, where I knew like 2 people.