Mix advice please.

First off, if you are pararell compressing do not send the overheads. (they sound squashed).
Is this midi trigered guitar samples ? if so use a bit of midi modifiers to humanize them, thats whats obviously stickin' out 2 me
Thanks for your reply.

Yeah I do have a parallel compression buss set up but only for kick, snare and toms. On my overheads track I have Satson Channel, Compressor and Eq and they are sent to a reverb buss that has a small hall reverb and some Eq. What could it be that would be making them sound squashed? Could it my compression?
No midi trigger guitar samples but I did record the guitars in sections cause I was struggling with playing the whole song all in one and getting it tight. Would I be right in saying that my editing of the guitars are off?
Usualy overheads benefit from little compression, try dial your compression down to 2 dBs (try some opto models there aswell)