Mix Critique


New Metal Member
Nov 16, 2013
Hey guys, i've been around in this forum for some time but only today i found the courage to post something. The last couple of days i tried to mix a song i found at http://www.cambridge-mt.com/ms-mtk.htm. The song is 'Femme' by Wall Of Death and personally, i think i did a decent job. So here is the mix:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106671859/Mix Print2.mp3

The thing is, i mixed this entirely with headphones, so anyone with a suited-for-the-job pair of monitors or a well treated room or even some better headphones than mine (KRK KNS-8400 to be honest) would be appreciated by telling me your thoughts about it. Most of my concerns would be the low end.. (..if only me right? :p)

Whether you liked it or not i'd like to hear about it! If you have any questions,please do ask! Be brutal honest! :D