Mix I finished yesterday, groovy metal?


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Hi there,

Here's a mix (and some sort of "master") of a song I recorded, it's supposed to be an intro, I could re-track the guitars maybe but I don't want to get stuck into "super-perfection-that-leads-to-nothing" mode so I'm moving on, kind'a trying to build a small record... anyway, it's recorded with my Damien7 FR, I find it's tone to be particularly strong and for this mix it's close to minimum on the guitar, and very little from the podfarm tubescreamer (it gives a different character than the guitar's) and used an IR I matched (Clark's guide :kickass:) and built a little from there, as you know when you hear a tone "soloed" in a record, you know it goes through at least a compressor, a low-end exciter and a limiter, so you can make some changes knowing that like, taking away low-end right on the IR, and all that jazz, and well that's what i tried here.

Gain is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally low, drums are superior, and the bass is the guitar faking it haha

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/799706/reg3n - Intro.mp3

Comment's please!