mix this please. media fire

lol https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1159812/Mangjrman999 Single.mp3

no one is going to take you serious if your stems are .mp3

Oh the it has to be this to be Pro scenario once again
how about trying to help each other for once
You guys rip me up with this crap self worth around here is bigger than your skill sets

get over it.

Learn and refine your Skills to become Professional

thanks for sharing your stems manegarm999 8)

thnks, take yor ego and put it in your ass Habsburgs

i need help not that sht.

i can put the wav files if you need its. but for learn the sound difference its not much.

stay waiting some mix help.
I'm only saying what has been said many times. (and not by me)

Then who ever has miss informed or keeps regurgitating this Bullshit needs to be re-educated.
they also need to rethink there professionalism if they want to portray they are Skilled Professionals.

Bad post processing of bass guitar,this is why you should upload DI's.It's impossible to know what could be done if you already did it.Also two more things bass is a little bit out of tune,but mostly come from your playing,maybe I'am wrong,DI track would clear things.Guitar's also have some time issues,nice sounding drums just a little to much cymbals.
Uploading processed stems is fine, nothing wrong with that, but it is equally important to upload also the dry DI/unmixed source recordings as well, so we can see what you did to get there, and possibly tell you what we would have done differently.

Oh the it has to be this to be Pro scenario once again
how about trying to help each other for once
You guys rip me up with this crap self worth around here is bigger than your skill sets

get over it.

Learn and refine your Skills to become Professional

thanks for sharing your stems manegarm999 8)

Teach me why it is beneficial to mix with source material that is in mp3 format, so I can know for sure that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Recording/bouncing in mp3 is not very professional. It's just basic audio pro knowledge...

I don't want to be rude but your playing is to sloppy,on guitar it's ok butt could be tighter,on bass it to bad,that's why you can't glue bass and guitars.Picking should be more consistent,linear and controlled.