Mix Tutorial / W. real drums, tape recorded


Jun 20, 2007

So I'm thinking of making a mix tutorial for you all, with screenshots etc.
Before I begin i thought I'd see how may of you out there would be interested,
before I take the time to do it??

The song is recorded on tape in a small studio, with semi professional gear.
I can give more details later on.

The song is called - Deep colors Bleed


Keep in mind that this is only like 5 hours work, so i could have spend more
on automation an things like that. And don't comment on the machinegun effect on
the snare ;), i didn't care to slice it up.
And off course you could make comments on the mix :)

I will do the tutorial if, lets say about 20-30 people want me to do it.

Cheers / Christian
Alltid intressant att se hur folk mixar - men d låter som trummaskin eller totaltriggade trummor eller blir d livetrummor på denna mix??


So I'm thinking of making a mix tutorial for you all, with screenshots etc.
Before I begin i thought I'd see how may of you out there would be interested,
before I take the time to do it??

The song is recorded on tape in a small studio, with semi professional gear.
I can give more details later on.

The song is called - Deep colors Bleed


Keep in mind that this is only like 5 hours work, so i could have spend more
on automation an things like that. And don't comment on the machinegun effect on
the snare ;), i didn't care to slice it up.
And off course you could make comments on the mix :)

I will do the tutorial if, lets say about 20-30 people want me to do it.

Cheers / Christian

On the mix, sounds good so far allready, few things i noticed:

The overheads are totally lost in the mix.. i cant hear crash cymbals when they are really needed in transitions, hihat is lost as well.
Overall mix is pretty much lacking "crisp", it needs more attention in the higher frequencies im my opinion.

Guitars: same.. but sound good allready.

Bass: it works, functions well in the mix, nice.

Vocals: great reverb on it, sounds cool!
Yeah as I wrote earlier, this is about 5h work so didn't take the time to reflect on those things because those are the details you miss when you do a quick work, but I do agree on your comments ;)

I've uploaded a new version , and I moved the thread to Rate my mix/tone threads