Mixerman Diaries II.

"While Penny does have this certain animal charm about her—the kind that might have caused a Neanderthal to pick up a club, grab her by the hair, and drag her along the ground as he searched for a good place to fuck her—she is wholly incapable of using such charms to her advantage"

Yeah, damn you! It's about 1:58 AM local time here and normaly I had to go to bed now, 'coz in a few hours I got a big 15 hour studio day with a well known band (not Bitch Slap). But I can't stop reading and laughing my ass off about the new diaries of Mixerman....... :))))))))))))))
I'm just wondering though, do any of you guys know the real people and actual bands that he's refferencing? It feels a bit weird knowing that this shit is actually out there happening in our industry but not knowing who.
Sorry to be the one to pee in the pool, but Pt.II of the Diaries hasn't been updated since November of last year. Not sure why, but what you see in that thread is all there is.

Interestingly enough, the last post by Aardvark is actually better than Pt.II of the diaries!

Aardvark sold his studio and is doing humanitarian work in Sri Lanka right now. His thread on that (same board) is also a great read.
I agree that it would probably suck as a reality TV show (or at least wouldn't be as funny), but it could have some potential as a "sitcom" type of show with Mixerman voiceover ala "The Wonder Years," which is what would likely be done.
A reality show with running voice-over may well work.

But how popular will such a show be with a mainstream audience? Are they as receptive to the subtle inside-jokes of an engineer as we would be? I really don't know.

So what are they planning on basing the reality thing on? I was under the impression that the session described in Mixerman PT. II is already over.
The second sessions have taken place, so I imagine it won't be of the "reality" variety. If it is to be at all.
The info I've gotten is from the MM boards, in which MixerMan himself states the following:
I have responded to some posters, but to date, I have not divulged an actual reason for my lack of new posts. It seems Aardvark has taken care of that for me in the thread: "Please Discuss the Diaries here."
This Aardvark fellow's message was:
I have read the "Damn good reason" why Mixerman has not posted a new entry as of late. He has been immersed in the writing of a television treatment of the diaries....
...Which would imply that it will not be a reality series.