Mixes for a band. Thoughts?


New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2014
I'm doing some demos for a friends band before they go and record properly in a studio and have done mixes for a few songs and just wanted to get some outside opinions. The track "The Old Gods" was done about a week before the other two so it needs a little tweaking to match them but you should be able to get an idea of how it sounds.

They sound great for demos.

Guitars sound great. The drums are lacking a bit of excitement, I think they sound a bit dull and clicky.

I feel like the vocals could be a bit less dry, and maybe a bit more compressed or automated as certain parts jump out more. Also perhaps the bass could have a bit more of a presence (could be cool for the style to have the bass cutting through a bit more) but that's it. Good job.
Thanks a lot! I agree about the drums needing a bit of work, and i'll be sure to try out some stuff with the bass :)
also is the link showing up as a playlist for people? looks like people have only heard the first track and just wanna make sure that's not because they don't realise there's another two.