Mixing a full-lenght(vintage Music Man bass,custom amp, 5150->Framus cab, real drums)


Nov 19, 2005
Hey guys, as the topic states I'm mixing a band's album and I'd be really gratefull if you help me make it sound awesome. I'm happy with how it's turning out so far, but I need some feedback to be sure I'm on the right track and also to fix some things I may have overlooked.

The bass is a really cool sounding Music Man Sabre, probably from the 70s or 80s. Guitars are 2 tracks 5150 into my Framus Dragon cab and 2 tracks of my custom amp into Guitarhack's impulses. Drums were some yamaha set with a nice kick (unfortunately the heads on the toms were awful so I had to replace them), the snare was some metal Pearl, I think.

Final (maybe) version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1891957/EF_Sample.mp3
Yeah don't feel obliged to like the band :p

I'm glad you like the guitar tone. How's the clean guitar?

I know what you mean about the Music Man. Before, I used to think "wow these bass guitars are so expensive yet they look ...:erk:". Once I plugged it in, though, I knew that was the best sounding bass guitar I've recorded..and still is.

Edit: it was a Sabre not a Stingray
I really don't like this style of music but I like how everythig is sounding on these songs! They sound sick man! Nice bass as well!
I finally had the chance to work on this again, I think it's ready but it would be great if you guys can give it a listen:
The mix sounds great.

I would take a tiny bit of highs out of the snare- it can definitely get a little papery sounding at times.

The guitars are a slight bit too scooped for my tastes for this particular type of music, but otherwise amazing. Great clarity and high end.

The bass is phenomenal.
I'm really happy you guys like it :kickass:
I guess I'll finally finish this ancient project. We started back in late 07, finished the drums for the 10 songs in 6 hours, then bass guitar for three 6-hour sessions and as for the rest - we've been working on and off for 2 years now o_O