Mixing drums help? (modern Metal)

Feb 15, 2014
I have been making music for almost 2 years now. I've always relied on drum presets that I'd build off of to make my music. I disliked that and I'm now trying to make my own sound with superior. I'd like feedback on it and ways I can improve my sound.

Here is a link

Right now I feel I have the snare going in the right direction. I'd like some more meat too it, like a beefier snare. I probably need to play with a few things but yeah.
I like the kick too it has it's punch but when it's alone it kind of sounds dull.
First time I've ever messed with the drums myself though. I don't have studio monitors so I mix with bad speakers/low quality headphones, Yeah I know I just have to make due until I can afford good monitors.

Any feedback on it so far?
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