Mixing engineer, new to metal.


New Metal Member
Oct 25, 2012
United Kingdom
Good day sir's and madame's, I hope you're all well?

First of all I should start off by saying that I am probably less of a metal fan than most people on this forum. I tend to steer clear of metal music that includes male vocals, I'm more of an instrumental/female lead metal kinda guy. Melodic and symphonic are more to my liking in terms of genre though.

In my title it states I am a mixing engineer and this is one of the main reasons I've decided to join the forum. You see over the last week or so I have been frequenting the forum for some tips and advice as I was given my first metal piece to mix two weeks ago and was a little bewildered by the dense, conflicting arrangements. None the less thanks to the advice of several quality users on this forum I managed to work my way through the mix to a result that turned out "Ok" if not good and would like to get some feedback and critiques on it. Where should I make a thread for this kind of request? I have quite a few metal related mixes coming up in the future so I will be sticking around for a while.

Well that's about all I have to say for the time being, feel free to ask me whatever you like.


EDIT: Looking further into the forums and threads, I think I found most of my advice from the "heavy metal" and "Andy sneap" sections. would that be a good place to start?
First off: welcome to the forums (though you registered before me :D)

A good springboard for delving deeper into metal if you're interested in symphonic & female fronted music would be Therion. Give them a go!
First off: welcome to the forums (though you registered before me :D)

A good springboard for delving deeper into metal if you're interested in symphonic & female fronted music would be Therion. Give them a go!

Thanks for the info, I'll check them out!

Also welcome to the forums yourself ^^