Mixing EP with LePou's New LeCto beta! Full song, Real drums, Metal as FUCK

its a realy realy cool sim - tho its need some tweaking untill you get your wish but its sound realistic and its realy awesome ! thanks lepou :D

the mix is realy cool - great drums balanced with other instruments ! and the mix have its vibe tho something in the highend of the vocals annoyn me donno why
good luck :)

it is double tracked?
the mix is realy cool - great drums balanced with other instruments ! and the mix have its vibe tho something in the highend of the vocals annoyn me donno why
Ditto, I'd say work on the vocals some more. Especially on the first verse vocals you can hear it.

The guitars and drums are awesome though.
by the way, what is used for drums ? sounds real awesome !
and any info on chain ? and what impulse did you used?

I really like your song!!! you guys are great... Heavys but melodic!!! Great guitar platying too!!
mix is great to
Thanks guys. I was editing importing tracks and mixing for long periods of time last night and near the end I was getting a little crazy lol I got frusturated with the screaming vox so I just boosted a big hump around 15k. That is probably what you are hearing.

Drums were recorded with audix mics through my presonus fire studio.
Heavily EQd Slate samples on kick and snare.

I can post more details later. I'm in class all day

I'm glad ppl dig it!
It sounds like there are rattling chains or something loose in the toms drums, it's really throwing me off. Other than that, I like.