Mixing Female Voice Alto,setting it to blend correctly

I figured this would probably be the place to start asking a few suggestion about an approach for this.
The singer im working with has this fantastic Alto voice to work with:worship:,but im findng its always very difficult to get to blend in with the other midrange instruments:yow:,I always seem to be bringing her forward a bit to compensate actually....
Now im wondering if you guys might have a few suggestions on perhaps cutting maybe some of the frequencys,maybe compression etc...(I don't think its going to really be that much thats needed)
Basically a general Idea were to start....
I'll pop up a demo in rough form for you to hear:

Since the Above demo,she's picked up the Joe meek Dual Q,wich will make a considerable difference on the original signal coming into the computer(the above Demo was a sure sm58 direct in,we upgraded to a super highend mic as well).
This is probably the first time ive encountered the mixing issue vocally,im guessing that im having to rethink the frequency issues a bit more,as most of the guy singers i have worked with ive never really had to tweak that much to get it to fit...(she completely blows them away to).
when you have time slap me a few suggestions:thanks::loco:Alex
Is it me or you're compressing her voice so much that it even distorts sometimes?!
Try to do a lowcut at 90/100hz and boost gently between 2.5/3Khz.
I would like to hear it recorded with the joemek.
By the way which highend mic did you upgrade?
Oh! And maybe a litlle boost on her voice at 12Khz for the sibilance too.
and the bassdrum isn't punchy and clear and the bass is a bit muddy and also too much distortion on the guitars. The snare is nice.
My oppinion thou
MR NINE said:
Oh! And maybe a litlle boost on her voice at 12Khz for the sibilance too.
and the bassdrum isn't punchy and clear and the bass is a bit muddy and also too much distortion on the guitars. The snare is nice.
My oppinion thou

Thanks for the Reply,yeah the bass I had a very hard time with,at the time i was attempting the mixing.....ive since switched to Trilogys bass station its a little more predominant and easier to mix i find.

Yeah see the problem i was having originally was the voice was so overpowering that to bring it down i had to compress the living bejesus out of it....I'm gonna watch this time around an see how it fairs,and ill' try out your suggestions....I'll definately try out your suggestions,i'll find out her mic type she's using an post it here as well as a newer version of the track and see what ya think:A.Z