Mixing my band's upcoming album - NEED SOME INPUT!!!


Sep 16, 2006
Santiago, Chile
Cheers guys,

Well, title says it all. The songs I uploaded are not finished yet. I'm just trying to set a standard for bass/drums/rhythm guitars first (the most difficult part as far as I have experienced) and then I'll work on vocals, solos, etc.

The songs ON CAPS (the first three from the list) are the ones I'm working on. The last from the list is taken from the demo recordings I did for the same album, so nevermind that.

The songs are not mastered yet. I just stuck an L2 in the master bus to raise the volume, and hence you will hear some clipping, but I guess you can still get the idea.

PLEASE I need some heavy and cruel criticism. Vocals are already recorded and this week I'll start working on them.


Thanks in advance!

guitar sound really good, drums to, maybe to much reverb on toms, nice bass sound...

1. What do you use for record guitars???
2. What do you want use for mastering ??

stay metall,
Thanks for the Input!

Well, for guitars I used my custom made 120w tube amp . Marshall 1960A cab with 2 x G12T75 + 2 x V30 (miced mostly the V30)

2 tracks with my ESP Eclipse, EMG81, boosted with a Maxon OD808.
Miced with a Senheiser 906 + MD421 (both on a V30)

2 tracks with my ESP Horizon, Duncan JB, no boost.
Miced with an AKG 414 (on the V30) + Sehnheiser 602 (!) on the G12T75.

I also reamped through the crunch channel of a TSL 100 to add a lil' bit of loose bass. (its really low in the mix, and brutally low-passed).

The Pre used was my humble RNP into my Fireface 800.

For mastering, I guess I'll let some other dude do it, so I don't know exactly what will be used for that.
For mastering, I guess I'll let some other dude do it, so I don't know exactly what will be used for that.

In my studio i use:

1. Only Finalizer express for rock band recording,
2. For true metal sound ;) i use:
- First slot on my master out daw:
- Req 6 i cut some 40 hz - cut a little mid range about 800 Hz at 1-2 db , bost a little 10 khz,
- Wintage Warmer > presets name "first mastering ad"
- Waves C4,
- BT StereoImager (some times),
- L3, or Elephant,

If you have some tips please post it ;)

Stay Metall,
Aargghh ... please don't punish me with the whip of indifference. I'm starting to think that either:

A.- My mix is perfect as if god himself had tweaked the settings, hence you cannot find the words to speak about such perfection.


B.- My mix took the word "suck" to a whole new level, hence you cannot decide where to start the mix-bashing.

C'mon guys, I really need some more input. (BTW, thanks sinquestsound!)

Cheers! :kickass:

I think it sounds awesome. I like the guitar tone a great deal, how much did the TSL contribute to the girth of those guitar tracks? Will you be adding vocals or is it strictly instrumental?

Thanks Rob! :headbang:

The TSL basically added a subtle bass "looseness" to the sound . Instead of being tight, the bass on the TSL tends to bloom after pick attack, and has a slow response (muddy bass for some). In fact, all you can hear in the mix from the TSL is bass, as it was brutally lo-passed around 250 hz. Mids and high frequencies are all from my custom amp.

By itself I couldn't see myself using such kinda sound for metal (I used very few gain also), but given that my custom amp's bass response is a lot tighter (working pefectly for palm muted parts), the tsl makes it sound bigger, specially for long notes or chords, which are important given the doomy vibe of the music.

What I learned from this, is that mixing a tight amp with a loose amp is a good idea for doom-ish stuff, because both bass responses complement each other very well.

Vocals are already recorded, right now I'm editing them. Soon I'll be posting some tracks with vocals added.

Take care!
